Embase final search strategy |
('telehealth'/de OR 'telemedicine'/de OR 'teleconsultation'/de OR 'telepsychiatry'/de OR 'telerehabilitation'/de OR 'teletherapy'/de OR 'assistive technology'/de OR 'computer assisted therapy'/de OR microcomputer/exp OR 'e‐mail'/de OR 'Internet'/de OR 'social media'/de OR 'mobile phone'/exp OR 'information technology'/de OR multimedia/de OR 'educational technology'/exp OR 'self help device'/de OR 'text messaging'/de OR (Telehealth* OR Telecare* OR telemedicine* OR teleconsultat* OR telepsychiatr* OR telemonitor* OR teletherap* OR telerehab* OR ((Tele OR telephone) NEXT/3 (health* OR medicine* OR consultat* OR psychiatr* OR therap* OR monitor* OR rehab*)) OR e‐health OR ehealth OR mHealth OR (((assist* OR therap* OR aided OR treat* OR deliver* OR application* OR support* OR training OR education* OR learning OR surveillan* OR counsel* OR cbt OR intervent* OR rehabilitat* OR assessment* OR feedback OR support OR care OR help OR service OR assistance OR self‐help) NEAR/3 (technolog* OR media OR computer* OR Web‐based OR Web‐site* OR web‐interface* OR webinterface* OR web‐page* OR web‐resource* OR webpage* OR website* OR email OR online OR Internet OR computer*‐program* OR software OR cyber* OR Remote OR virtual* OR device* OR 'text messaging' OR sms OR whatsapp OR skype)) NOT assist*‐reproduct*‐technol*) OR (((e OR electronic*) NEXT/1 (mail* OR health)) NOT electronic‐health‐record*) OR 'social media' OR ((mobile OR cell*) NEXT/1 phone*) OR smartphone* OR microcomputer OR ipad OR ipads OR (tablet* NEAR/3 (use OR usage)) OR 'information technology' OR multimedia OR domotic*):ab,ti) |
AND ('intellectual impairment'/de OR 'mental deficiency'/exp OR 'learning disorder'/de OR 'developmental disorder'/de OR (((mental* OR intellect* OR learning OR developmental* OR neurodevelopmental*) NEAR/3 (retard* OR impair* OR deficien* OR disab* OR handicap* OR difficult* OR limitation* OR delay*)) OR multipl*‐disab* OR cognitive‐disabilit* OR learning‐disorder* OR (cognitive‐impairment* NOT (dement* OR alzheimer* OR parkinson OR psychiatr* OR older OR aged OR elderly OR injur*)) OR development*‐disorder* OR retarded OR (down* NEAR/3 (syndrome*))):ab,ti) NOT ([animals]/lim NOT [humans]/lim) NOT ([Conference Abstract]/lim OR [Letter]/lim OR [Note]/lim OR [Editorial]/lim) AND [english]/lim |