(A) Schematic of approach.
(B) Row-normalized confusion matrix predicting preferred spout location from pre-odor neural data (chance is 0.33).
(C) Predictions for one behavioral session (training trials and trials that contain any licks during the pre-odor period are not shown).
(D) Preferred spout neural decoding performance using data from three different time epochs. Red lines denote means across mice. Black lines and gray lines denote random shuffle and circularly permuted controls, respectively.
(E) Pre-odor neural decoding performance quantified for: motor (M), somatosensory (S), parietal (p), retrosplenial (R), and visual (V) areas. Each area-specific decoder used the 75 sources with best discrimination ability. Corrected paired t test values are shown versus both random controls in (D) and (E). Error bars in (D) and (E) show 99% bootstrapped confidence intervals over 20 model fits to different sets of training data.
(F) Pre-reward neural decoding of the spout most licked during the pre-reward period (purple) and fraction of pre-reward licks toward the active spout (cyan), shown as a function of location within a trial block. Note that both sets of lines use identical data taken from testing trials.
(G) Pre-odor behavioral decoding performance using data from both lower and upper cameras and a decoder trained on motion energy principal components derived from both the upper and lower videos (1,000 from each).
ns denotes corrected p > 0.05; *corrected p < 0.05; **corrected p < 0.01; ***corrected p < 0.001.