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. 2020 Nov 25;55:1–6. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2020.11.015

Table 3.

Risk factors and postoperative complications in patients operated during COVID-19 pandemic caused hospital lock down in the West of Scotland.1 No data available for 4 patients.2 No data available for BMI in 16 patients.3 No data available in 7 patients.4 No data available on 9 patients. CV = cardio-vascular. HTN = hypertension. Resp = respiratory.

No. of patients (%) Details of risk factors No. of patients
Risk factors
Co-morbidities1 93 (53.1%) Respiratory only (asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis) 7
CV only (HTN, DVT, AF, mitral regurg, IHD, CVA, MVR) 31
Endocrine (DM, hypo, hyperthyr) 4
Musculo-skeletal (OA, RA) 3
Morbid obesity 6
Other (aneamia, chronic pain, Guillan-Barré sy, epilepsy, MS, PBC, depression, SLE, previous malignancy) 11
Combined Resp + CV 6
Combined Resp + other 2
Combined CV + morb obesity 1
Combined CV + GI 2
Combined CV + morb obesity + endocrine 1
Combined CV + other 2
Combined CV + GI + endocrine 1
Combined CV + GI + endocrine + morb obese 1
Combined CV + GI + other 1
Combined endocrine + other 3
Combined Resp + CV + other 1
Obesity2 57 (35%) Obese 23
Severe obese 24
Morbidly 10
Current Smoker3 27 (15.7%)
ASA II and above 4 124 (69.3%) ASA II 114
Clavien-Dindo I 8 (4.5%) Repeated of aspirations of seroma 1
Infection treated with oral antibiotics 6
Delayed wound healing 1
Clavien-Dindo II 2 (1.1%) Postoperative hypoxia 1
Postoperative delirium 1
Clavien-Dindo III 4 (2.2%) Evacuation haematoma 2
Washout of infected seroma 2