Figure 3.
Interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 RBD and COVA1-16
(A) The epitope of COVA1-16 is highlighted in yellow and orange. Epitope residues that are in contact with CDR H3 are shown in orange and in yellow otherwise. COVA1-16 (heavy chain in cyan and light chain in pink) is in cartoon representation, with CDR H3 depicted as a thick tube. The RBD (white) is in a surface representation. The BSAs on COVA1-16 and RBD are 827 Å2 and 780 Å2, respectively.
(B–D) Interactions of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD (white) with (B) CDR H3 (cyan), (C) CDR H1 (cyan), and (D) CDR L2 (pink) of COVA1-16. H-bonds are represented by dashed lines. In (C), a 310 turn is observed in CDR H1 for residues VH T28–VH S31.
See also Figures S2 and S3.