Table 4.
Effects of metformin on ventricular arrhythmias: reports from in vivo studies
Model | Metformin (dose/ duration) | Key results and major findings | Interpretation | References | |||||||
Energy homeostasis |
Oxidative stress |
Intra-cellular Ca | LV dP/dt |
Infarct/ apoptosis |
EP changes | p-Cx 43 | VT/ VF | ||||
Domestic farm pigs with cardiac I/R injury -I(50% flow)/R = 90/45 min |
-Chronic metformin 30 mg/kg/day per oral for 2–3 weeks) |
- ↑↑AMPK - ↑CS - ↑ATP - <-> O2, glucose use, lactate |
– | – | <-> | – |
-↓MAP shortening -↓APD dispersion |
– | ↓ | Chronic metformin treatment reduced ischemic VF by preventing MAP shortening and repolarization heterogeneity via AMPK activation, leading to preserved myocardial ATP | [88] |
-Acute Metformin IV 100 mg/kg |
<-> AMPK | – | – | <-> | – | <-> | – | <-> | |||
Male Wistar rats fed with high fat for 12 weeks underwent cardiac I/R injury. (LAD ligation 30/R 120 min) |
Metformin 30 mg/kg/day for 3 weeks |
↑Mito-chondrial function | ↓MDA |
-↓Diastolic Ca -↑transient amp/decay |
↑ |
↓Infarct/ ↓Bax, ↑Bcl-2 |
↑HRV | <-> | <-> | Metformin alone did not reduce VT/VF incidence. However, combined drugs effectively decreased VT/VF via increased p-Cx43 | [63] |
Metformin+ Vildagliptin |
↑Mito-chondrial function | ↓MDA |
-↓Diastolic Ca -↑Transient amp/decay |
↑ |
↓Infarct/ ↓Bax, ↑Bcl-2 |
↑HRV | ↑ | ↓ |
AMPK 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, APD action potential duration, ATP adenosine triphosphate, Ca calcium, CS citrate synthase, EP electrophysiologic, HRV heart rate variability, I/R ischemic/reperfusion, LAD left anterior descending coronary artery, LV left ventricular, MAP monophasic action potential, MDA malondialdehyde, pAMPK phosphorylated 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, p-Cx phosphorylated Connexin, VT/VF ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation