Do you currently experience health-related problems caused by the car mishap, you were exposed to? (yes/no) | |
Do you often experience following nonpainful problems/symptoms after the car mishap? | A checklist of nonpainful symptoms/problems related to the car mishap with following options: no symptoms or yes, 1 or more of each of following symptoms: prickling/sleeping sensation, fatigue, sleep disorders, balance problems, hyperacusis, visual disturbances, anxiety/depression, irritability, dizziness, forgetfulness, concentration problems, nausea, globulus/dysphagia, jaw pain/ jaw disability, stiffness or reduced neck mobility, and finally, yes describe other problems (several choices available) |
Do you experience pain after the car mishap? | NRS-11 average neck pain during the last week; NRS-11 average headache during the last week; NRS-11 average shoulder-arm pain during the last week; NRS-11 average low back pain during last week |
Do you receive nonmedical treatment because of the previous car mishap today | Several choices, none; perform instructed neck exercises, chiropractic treatment, physiotherapy, acupuncture, yes other nonmedical treatment, describe other treatments |
Do you receive medical treatment because of the car mishap today | Several choices, none, acetylsalicylic acid, acetaminophen, NSAIDs, tramadol, morphine or morphine-like drugs, migraine medication (eg, triptans, ergotalkaloids), epilepsy drugs (eg, gabapentin, pregabalin, topiramate), depression medication (eg, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine, mirtazapine, other), yes other medication, describe other medications |
Have your employment status changed due to the mishap today | No change, yes changed function, but similar working hours due to mishap, yes, reduced working hours due to mishap, yes, I receive disability pension due to mishap, I was retired before mishap, Other change not related to whiplash mishap, describe |
The Impact of Event Questionnaire | All questions regarding impact of the initial whiplash injury as event were posed |
NRS indicates numeric rating scale; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.