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. 2020 Nov 24;86(24):e01981-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01981-20

FIG 3.


Formation of valinol in bogorol peptides. (A and B) Bogorols and their intermediates (aldehyde form) produced by wild-type (A) and ΔbogI mutant (B) strains of B. laterosporus LMG15441. The masses (daltons, based on MALDI-TOF analysis) of the three major compounds produced by each strain are indicated. (C) Two-step formation of alcohol-form amino acids in the bogorol family of peptides. (D) Spot-on-lawn assay of aldehyde-form and alcohol-form bogorols. X. campestris pv. campestris NCCB92058 was used as an indicator. Each compound was added at the same amount, namely, 10 μl of a 200-μg/ml stock.