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Figure 1. (
A) For reaching: cross-validated fraction of variance explained (FVE) in the rate of change of neural PCs (d
x/dt) explained by the linear dynamical system that best fit the data, with data aligned to target presentation (target) or movement onset (movement). (
B) For grasping: cross-validated FVE in the rate of change of neural PCs (dx/dt) explained by the linear dynamical system that best fits the data, when the data are aligned to a 500 ms window centered on object presentation (present), a 700 ms window centered on movement onset (mov), and a 700 ms window centered on maximum aperture (max aperture). (
C) Average peak firing rate across all neurons for arm (gray) and hand (blue) responses. Each point indicates the mean peak rate for a single task condition within a single animal: for ‘arm’, this constitutes eight reaching directions across two animals; for ‘hand’, 35 objects across two animals. (
D) Average neuronal modulation (90th percentile firing rate – 10th percentile firing rate, before normalization) for arm (gray) and hand (blue) responses. Each point denotes the mean modulation across trials and neurons for a single task condition within a single animal. (
E) Bootstrapped responses (55 neurons) vs. full sample for reaching. (
F) Cross-validated FVE in the rate of change of neural PCs (dx/dt) explained by the linear dynamical system that best fits the data when the grasping data are clustered into just a few object groups (see methods). For 8 and 7 clusters, cross validation was achieved on a leave-one-out basis. For 35 clusters, the standard fivefold (leave-7-out) cross-validation was used. Difference between 8 clusters and 35 clusters is significant (p=0.0008) while difference between 7 clusters and 35 clusters is not significant (p=0.57). However, for both clustering methods, the difference between hand and arm remains highly significant (eight clusters| p=2.5e-18; seven clusters | p=2.08e-19). (
G) Cross-validated FVE for rightward arm movements only compared to all arm movements (right and left). For all figures, except where otherwise indicated, bar heights and solid lines represent the mean, shaded regions and error bars represent standard error of the mean, and each data point represents the result of an individual cross-validation fold for each of two monkeys. (
H) Cross-validated FVE across various smoothing kernels (10 to 50 ms). Difference between arm and hand remains substantial regardless of smoothing. (
I) Coefficient of variation (CV) of spike counts across trials within condition. Each point denotes the mean CV across each condition for a single neuron, assessed over 100 ms bins around movement onset (at 250 ms). Results indicate that trial-to-trial variability in neuronal responses is stable over the trial and similar for reach (top) and grasp (bottom).