(A) Course of urinary protein excretion after end of induction of experimental nephrotic syndrome.
(B-F) Plasma concentrations of albumin, cholesterol, urea, creatinine and aldosterone before and day 14.
(G) Western blot showing the expression of plasminogen and albumin in plasma (P) and urine (U) samples of nphs2Δipod*plg+/+ and nphs2Δipod*plg−/− mice. Note that the nephrotic urine of nphs2Δipod*plg+/+ mice contains heavy chain of plasminogen at 80 kDa reflecting proteolytic activation by urokinase.
(H) Course of urinary and plasma plasmin(ogen) concentration in nephrotic nphs2Δipod*plg+/+ mice using an ELISA that detects both plasminogen zymogen and active plasmin.
(I) Course of urinary amidolytic activity against the chromogenic substrate S-2251 consisting of Val-Leu-Lys-p-Nitroaniline or VLK-pNA in nphs2Δipod*plg+/+ and nphs2Δipod*plg−/− mice. This activity is strongly reduced in the absence of plasminogen (nphs2Δipod*plg−/− mice).
Arithmetic means ± SEM, # indicates significant difference to baseline value, * indicates significant difference between genotypes.