Multiple malnutrition models demonstrate impaired progression of FITC-dextran 30 minutes after gavage. A, Modified neonatal gavage technique reveals minimal variance. B, The small intestinal segment containing peak mean intensity is more distal in control pups compared to TmSep pups and LPLFD pups, but no differences are observed among young adults. C, Progression of the MGC of FITC-dextran is impaired in both malnourished pup models. D, Gastric emptying is delayed in TmSep pups and LPLFD young adult females. Individual data points are shown along with mean ± SD; **P < .01; *P < .05; n = 5 pups and 7 young adult mice per group; FITC = fluorescein isothiocyanate; LPLFD = low-protein low-fat diet; MGC = mean geometric center; TmSep = timed maternal separation; segment 0 = stomach, 1 = proximal duodenum, 10 = terminal ileum. No dye was observed in the cecum or colon.