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. 2020 Nov 12;11:575623. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575623


Differences in the intensity of workplace bullying-related trauma symptoms between the participants who only witnessed bullying/mobbing (SWB), those who were bullying/mobbing victimized (SVB), and those who were both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing (VWB) in the workplace.

95% Confidence Interval for Mean
Workplace bullying-related trauma symptoms (STSS-M statements) Sample subgroup N STSS-M item Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower bound Upper bound P (ANOVA) Post-hoc analysis (Scheffe test)
In the previous 2 weeks: p Subgroups: Std. Error (95% CI)

1. I felt emotionally numb after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.42 1.316 0.269 1.86 2.97
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.92 0.793 0.229 1.41 2.42
Both victims and witnesses pf bullying/mobbing 53 2.60 0.968 0.133 2.34 2.87
2. My heart started pounding when I thought about bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.17 1.167 .238 1.67 2.66
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.33 0.492 0.142 1.02 1.65 0.028 VWB-SWB: 0.334 (0.08–1.74)
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.25 1.072 0.147 1.95 2.54
3. It seemed as if I was reliving the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.96 1.160 .237 1.47 2.45
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.25 0.452 0.131 0.96 1.54 0.058 VWB-SWB: 0.348 (−0.02–1.74)
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.09 1.148 0.158 1.78 2.41
4. I had trouble sleeping after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.79 1.179 0.241 1.29 2.29
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.08 .289 0.083 .90 1.27
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 1.72 1.007 0.138 1.44 1.99
5.I felt discouraged about the future after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.00 1.216 0.248 1.49 2.51
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.17 .577 0.167 .80 1.53 0.030 VWB-SWB: 0.391 (0.08–2.03)
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.23 1.325 0.182 1.86 2.59
6. Reminders of the bullying/mobbing experience I had upset me. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.92 0.929 0.190 1.52 2.31
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.50 0.905 0.261 .93 2.07
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.08 1.071 0.147 1.78 2.37
7. I had little interest in being around others after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.00 1.022 0.209 1.57 2.43
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.42 0.669 0.193 .99 1.84
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 1.83 1.105 0.152 1.53 2.13
8. I felt jumpy after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.13 1.076 0.220 1.67 2.58
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.33 .778 0.225 0.84 1.83 0.048 VWB-SWB: .371 (0.01–1.85)
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.26 1.258 0.173 1.92 2.61
9. I was less active than usual after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.13 1.329 0.271 1.56 2.69
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.58 0.793 0.229 1.08 2.09 0.152
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.13 1.359 0.187 1.76 2.51
10. I thought about the bullying/mobbing experience I had when I didn’t intend to. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.13 1.361 0.278 1.55 2.70
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.50 0.674 0.195 1.07 1.93
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.00 1.092 0.150 1.70 2.30
11. I had trouble concentrating after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.83 1.090 0.223 1.37 2.29
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.25 0.452 0.131 0.96 1.54
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 1.85 0.969 0.133 1.58 2.12
12. I avoided people, places, or things that reminded me of the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.96 1.268 0.259 1.42 2.49
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.50 1.000 0.289 0.86 2.14
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.26 1.318 0.181 1.90 2.63
13. I had disturbing dreams about the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.58 1.213 0.248 1.07 2.10
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.08 0.289 0.083 0.90 1.27
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 1.53 0.912 0.125 1.28 1.78
14. I wanted to avoid working with some people linked with the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 2.25 1.359 0.277 1.68 2.82
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.42 0.793 0.229 0.91 1.92 0.006 VWB-SWB: 0.391 (0.31–2.26)
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.70 1.234 0.169 2.36 3.04
15. I was easily annoyed after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.83 0.917 0.187 1.45 2.22 0.027 VWB-SVB: 0.288 (0.07–1.51)
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.75 1.138 0.329 1.03 2.47
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.62 1.274 0.175 2.27 2.97
16. I expected something bad to happen after the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.58 0.881 0.180 1.21 1.96
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.50 0.798 0.230 0.99 2.01
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 2.02 1.101 0.151 1.72 2.32
17. I noticed gaps in my memory about the bullying/mobbing experience I had. Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 1.54 0.833 0.170 1.19 1.89
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 1.17 0.389 0.112 0.92 1.41
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 1.83 1.156 0.159 1.51 2.15
Total score of STSS-M Solely bullying/mobbing victims 24 33.21 14.903 3.042 26.92 39.50
Solely witnesses of bullying/mobbing to others 12 23.75 7.436 2.147 19.03 28.47 0.019 VWB-SWB: 4.23 (1.69–22.81)
Both victims and witnesses of bullying/mobbing 53 36.00 13.446 1.847 32.29 39.71

Mean and standard deviation, as well as 95% Confidence Intervals for the total STSS-M score and individual STSS-M items per SWB, VWB, and SVB subgroup are presented.