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. 2020 Nov 12;11:575623. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575623


Mean differences in the degree of workplace bullying-related trauma symptoms according to STSS-M total score between different variable groups of the Part C.II-M of the WVHS-CCSRI.

95% Confidence Interval for Mean
Workplace bullying/mobbing relevant variable Variable subgroup N STSS-M Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower bound Upper bound p value (ANOVA, t-test) Post-hoc analysis (Scheffe test)
R2C5.34 Subgroup Difference: Std. Error (95% CI)

Have you ever resigned or considered resigning because of bullying/mobbing experiences in your workplace? Yes, I did (A) 3 43.67 7.371 4.256 25.36 61.98
I thought of but did not (B) 18 43.44 13.815 3.256 36.57 50.31 0.008 B-C: 3.539 (2.60–20.29)
No (C) 56 32.00 12.985 1.735 28.52 35.48
How often, to your opinion, bullying/mobbing happens in your workplace?” Quite to very often (A) 28 39.68 14.368 2.715 34.11 45.25 0.018 A-B: 3.418 (1.44–18.53)
Moderately (B) 21 31.95 12.863 2.807 26.10 37.81
Not at all/rarely (C) 26 29.69 9.915 1.944 25.69 33.70
Have you ever been punished because you reported a workplace bullying/mobbing incident? No 83 32.31 13.001 1.427
Yes 6 51.33 11.894 4.856 0.001 5.470 (–29.893–8.14)
If you did not report or tell about the bullying/mobbing to others, you did so because you thought it was unimportant. Yes 54 37.17 13.855 1.885
No 23 30.35 12.995 2.710 0.048 3.388 (0.069–13.569)