JK748014.1 |
se015_D7 One-month old Olive (Olea europaea) cv. Koroneiki seedlings library Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Seedlings |
One-month old |
JK748014.1 |
se015_D7 One-month old Olive (Olea europaea) cv. Koroneiki seedlings library Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Seedlings |
One-month old |
GO245607.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate7m15.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
GO244160.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate3o08.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
GO244048.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate3j16.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
FL684093.1 |
C_P23_H12_0414F_p7 Olea europaea cv. Leccino fruitlet Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Fruit |
Immature |
GO244160.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate3o08.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
GO244048.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate3j16.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
GO246288.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate9j13.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
FL684093.1 |
C_P23_H12_0414F_p7 Olea europaea cv. Leccino fruitlet Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Fruit |
Immature |
GO244489.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate4m08.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
GO245204.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate6l07.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |
GO245204.1 |
OEAA-070810_Plate6l07.b1 cDNA library from Olive leaves and fruits Olea europaea cDNA, mRNA sequence |
Leaves and fruits |
– |