The four microstate classes labeled A–D for the pre/post-tests among three groups. Class A had a right frontal to left occipital orientation; Class B had a left frontal to right occipital orientation; Class C had prefrontal to occipital orientation; Class D had frontocentral to occipital orientation. The polarity of each map is disregarded. The four microstate classes accounted for>75 percent of the data variation (GEV) for each group/time dataset (WM-T Pre: 77.45 ± 2.99%, WM-T Post: 77.90 ± 2.86%; EWM-T Pre: 78.14 ± 3.01%, EWM-T Post: 78.45 ± 3.01%; Control Pre: 77.87 ± 2.93%, Control Post: 76.93 ± 3.03%), with no significant group/time differences. TANOVA also revealed no significant differences in microstate topographies among three groups at both Pre-test and Post-test (ps > 0.05), and no significant difference in the pre-post comparisons for each group (ps > 0.05).