Belinostat inhibited mammosphere formation of chemotherapy-treated breast cancer cell lines. CAMA-1 and MDA-MB-231 cells from spheroids with 3 days chemo treatment (DMSO, doxorubicin 0.1 µM for CAMA-1, 0.5 µM for MDA-MB-231, carboplatin 50 µM, and paclitaxel 1 µM) were collected, dissociated, and cultured for two 14 days periods with mammosphere assay medium containing DMSO/belinostat (5 µM) as described in the Methods. Mammosphere total numbers and total area of CAMA-1 are shown in (A) and (B). Mammosphere total numbers and total area of MDA-MB-231 are shown in (C) and (D). The treatments with DMSO only serve as the control in each figure and are set as fold one. All the other treatments are expressed as fold change relative to the control in each figure. The statistical analysis was performed with student's t-tests between the indicated groups with triplicate tests. # is p<0.05 relative to DMSO plus DMSO only, * is p<0.05 relative to chemo/DMSO plus DMSO in its group.