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. 2020 Nov 12;11:534688. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.534688


Completed training volume, load, and time-in-zones during the study period for Intervention and Control group.

INT (n = 7) CON (n = 8) p SMD**
Training-Sessions per week 9 × LIT, 3 × HIT 6 × LIT, 6 × MIT
TID (%LIT/%MIT/%HIT) 92/0/8 65/35/0
∑ Training load (TRIMP/wk) 788 941 0.352 0.50
Polarization Index (a.U.) >2.0 <1.0
Training Volume (h/wk) 10.8 ± 2.4 10.0 ± 2.7 0.580 0.29
Z1, LIT Volume (%) 75.2 ± 14.4 77.8 ± 11.9 0.704 0.20
Z2, MIT Volume (%) 11.1 ± 10.9 20.3 ± 10.8 0.118 0.86
Z3, HIT Volume (%) 13.7 ± 4.1 2.0 ± 1.5 <0.001 3.84
Polarization Index (a.U.) 2.1 ± 0.4 0.9 ± 0.3 <0.001 3.88
∑ Training Load (TRIMP/wk) 882.0 ± 155 739.0 ± 162 0.106 0.90
Load in LIT (TRIMP/wk) 499.0 ± 171.0 480.0 ± 174.0 0.832 0.11
Load in MIT (TRIMP/wk) 126.0 ± 104.0 223.0 ± 82.0 0.064 1.05
Load in HIT (TRIMP/wk) 257.0 ± 65.7 35.9 ± 24.8 <0.001 4.58
Completed to Prescribed Load (%) 112.0 ± 14.9 86.2 ± 10.0 0.001 2.10

Values are mean ± Standard Deviation (SD). INT, Intervention; CON, Control Group; a.U., arbitrary unit. **Calculated via Cohen’s d in a t-test for each group.