Fig. 2. Magneto-photoluminescence of MoSe2/CrBr3 heterostructures.
a Photoluminescence (PL) intensity in σ+ circular polarization as a function of photon energy and external B-field, in the forward sweep direction. The neutral exciton (X) and trion (T) are labeled. b Schematics of the electron-hole valley configurations of the two ground-state optically bright neutral excitons and positive trions in monolayer MoSe2, which emit either a σ+ or σ− polarized photon upon recombination. The pink (green) electron is spin ↑ (↓), and the hole is white, regardless of spin. Spin-valley locking ties the electron spin to the emission polarization. c Integrated trion PL intensity in both circular polarizations, for the forward (upper panel) and backward (lower panel) B-field sweep directions. d Degree of circular polarization (DOCP) as a function of photon energy and B-field, in the forward sweep direction. e DOCP of the exciton and trion states calculated from integrated intensities, shown for both sweep directions, revealing hysteresis type behavior in the trion. The error in DOCP for this figure is ~ ±0.005.