Table 3.
Scientific Name | Availability | Occurrence | $ Life-Form | # Colour Of Ripe Fruit | Fruiting Period | Source |
Annona senegalensis | Su | Common | Shrub (105) | Yellow | Dec–Mar [6] | Wild |
Berchemia discolor | Su | Common | Tree (449) | Yellow | Jan–May [53] | Wild |
Berchemia zeyheri | Su, A | Common | Tree (450) | Red | Jan–May [53] | Wild |
Bridelia micrantha | W | Common | Tree (324) | Black | Oct–Dec [53] | Wild |
Canthium inerme | Sp, Su | Common | Shrub (708) | Brown | Oct–Apr [54] | Wild |
Carissa edulis | Sp, Su | Common | Shrub (604.4) | Black | Sept–Dec [55] | Wild |
Diospyros mespiliformis | Sp, Su | Common | Tree (606) | Brown | Apr–Sep [46] | Wild |
Englerophytum magalismontanum | W, Su, A | Common | Tree (581) | Red | Dec–Feb [47] | Wild |
Euclea divinorum | Sp, Su | Common | Shrub (595) | Black | Dec–Mar [54] | Wild |
Ficus sur | W, Sp, Su, A | Common | Tree (50) | Red | Sept–Mar [54] | Wild |
Ficus thonningii | W, Sp, Su, A | Common | Tree | Red | Oct–Dec [46] | Wild |
Flueggea virosa | Sp, Su | Common | Shrub (309) | White | Dec–Mar [54] | Wild |
Grewia flavescens | Su | Common | Shrub (459.2) | Brown | Dec–Mar [54] | Wild |
Lannea edulis | Su | Common | Shrub | Black | Oct–Dec [46] | Wild |
Lannea schweinfurthii | Su | Common | Tree (363) | Yellow | Nov–Mar [54] | Wild |
Lantana rugosa | Sp, Su | Common | Shrub | Purple | Sep–May [48] | Domesticated |
Macrotyloma maranguense | Su | Common | Shrub | Yellowish or pinkish-brown | Sep–May [48] | Domesticated |
Mimusops zeyheri | Su | Common | Tree (581) | Yellow | Apr–Sep [54] | Wild |
Parinari capensis | W, Sp | Common | Tree | Brown | Oct–Jan [54] | Wild |
Parinari curatellifolia | Sp | Common | Shrub (146) | Brown | Oct–Nov [6] | Wild |
Sclerocarya birrea | Su | Common | Tree (360) | Yellow | Feb–Jun [54] | Wild |
Searsia pendulina | W, A | Common | Tree (396) | Black | Dec–May [54] | Wild |
Strychnos madagascariensis | Su | Common | Tree (626) | Yellow | Sept–Feb [49] | Wild |
Strychnos spinosa | Sp, Su | Common | Tree (629) | Yellow | Sept–Feb [49] | Wild |
Syzygium cordatum | Sp, Su | Common | Tree (551) | Deep purple | Nov–Mar [6] | Wild |
Syzygium intermedium | A | Common | Tree (556.1) | Red | Dec–Apr [54] | Domesticated |
Trichilia emetica | Su, A | Common | Tree (301) | Red to brown | Jan–May [54] | Wild |
Vangueria infausta | Su, A | Common | Tree (702) | Brown | Jan–May [50] | Wild |
Vangueria pygmaea | Sp, Su | Common | Tree | Black | Feb–Apr [6] | Wild |
Ximenia americana | Sp, Su | Common | Shrub (101.5) | Orange | Jan–May [54] | Wild |
Ximenia caffra | Sp, Su | Common | Shrub (103) | Red | Aug–Oct [54] | Wild |