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. 2020 Oct 26;10(11):427. doi: 10.3390/metabo10110427

Table 1.

List of the significantly different metabolites selected using the PLS-DA model based on the GC-TOF-MS dataset for 4 different leukemia cells and normal HSC.

No. Ret (min) a VIP1 VIP2 Tentative Identifications b Unique Mass (m/z) MS Fragment Pattern (m/z) REF c
Organic acids
1 5.13 0.78 0.51 Lactic acid 117 73, 147, 117, 75, 66, 59, 148, 191 STD/MS
2 5.96 1.34 1.04 Pyruvic acid 220 73, 147, 100, 133, 59, 72, 86, 220 STD/MS
3 7.61 1.80 1.27 Succinic acid 247 73, 147, 75, 247, 59, 77, 69, 50 STD/MS
4 9.19 0.35 1.67 Malic acid 233 73, 147, 55, 75, 52, 133, 156, 233 STD/MS
5 11.76 0.78 1.71 Citric acid 273 73, 147, 75, 273, 74, 50, 149, 133 STD/MS
Amino acids
6 7.59 1.29 1.11 Glycine 174 73, 174, 147, 341, 86, 59, 77, 100 STD/MS
7 8.08 1.61 1.15 Serine 204 73, 100, 204, 119, 188, 218, 193 STD/MS
8 8.33 0.80 1.37 Threonine 219 73, 58, 174, 57, 147, 75, 86, 219 STD/MS
9 8.66 1.01 1.55 β-Alanine 248 73, 174, 147, 248, 86, 59, 100, 133 STD/MS
10 9.45 1.09 1.08 Aspartic acid 232 73, 156, 232, 147, 100, 75, 79, 52 STD/MS
11 9.51 1.17 1.49 5-oxo-proline 156 156, 73, 147, 75, 59, 230, 258 STD/MS
12 11.73 1.57 1.11 Ornithine 142 73, 142, 174, 147, 59, 74, 86, 100 STD/MS
13 12.42 1.16 1.30 Lysine 156 73, 75, 147, 59, 174, 156, 103 STD/MS
Sugars and sugar alcohols
14 12.18 0.79 1.56 Fructose 217 73, 103, 217, 147, 74, 307, 133, 117 STD/MS
15 12.37 1.56 1.26 Glucose 160 73, 147, 205, 160, 103, 319, 74, 129 STD/MS
16 12.63 1.86 1.23 Saccharide 1 319 73, 147, 103, 217, 205, 319, 117, 129 MS
17 13.20 1.09 1.49 Saccharide 2 204 73, 204, 147, 75, 117, 217, 205, 129 MS
18 13.62 0.89 1.67 myo-Inositol 217 73, 147, 217, 191, 305, 129, 133 STD/MS
Fatty acids and lipids
19 11.51 1.56 1.12 Phosphorylethanolamine 299 73, 100, 59, 299, 172, 147, 74, 114 MS
20 11.84 1.69 1.13 Myristic acid 285 73, 75, 117, 129, 132, 55, 145, 131 STD/MS
21 13.14 1.80 1.21 Palmitic acid 313 73, 75, 117, 132, 129, 55, 145, 131 STD/MS
22 14.16 1.47 0.98 Linoleic acid 337 75, 73, 67, 55, 81, 79, 129, 117, 337 STD/MS
23 14.19 1.70 1.36 Oleic acid 339 75, 73, 55, 117, 129, 67, 145, 339 STD/MS
24 14.33 1.84 1.27 Stearic acid 341 73, 75, 117, 132, 129, 131, 145, 341 STD/MS
25 16.21 1.47 1.55 α-Palmitin 371 73, 57, 55, 147, 75, 69, 129, 371 MS
26 19.74 1.35 1.26 Cholesterol 129 129, 73, 75, 55, 57, 81, 95, 105 STD/MS
Electron Transport Chains
27 5.65 1.15 0.91 Hydroxylamine 146 73, 133, 146, 59, 119, 86, 147, 130 STD/MS
28 7.31 1.65 1.11 Phosphoric acid 299 73, 299, 133, 211, 300, 207, 193 STD/MS
29 7.56 0.90 0.65 Cortisol 256 73, 107, 77, 55, 256, 69, 84, 140 STD/MS
30 6.35 1.03 1.50 N.I. 1 184 73, 58, 69, 228, 110, 77, 134, 184
31 6.66 1.07 0.77 N.I. 2 228 73, 69, 58, 228, 110, 77, 134, 184
32 7.87 0.89 0.71 N.I. 3 184 73, 184, 134, 59, 77, 86, 100, 69
33 9.14 1.33 1.58 N.I. 4 281 73, 147, 281, 327, 74, 282, 59, 415
34 10.48 1.32 1.61 N.I. 5 355 73, 355, 147, 221, 281, 74, 356
35 11.63 1.49 1.69 N.I. 6 429 73, 147, 221, 429, 74, 355, 207
36 12.66 1.44 1.67 N.I. 7 281 73, 147, 281, 221, 74, 207, 282, 341
37 13.43 1.15 0.82 N.I. 8 136 55, 69, 122, 56, 54, 67, 83, 136
38 14.45 1.43 1.59 N.I. 9 355 73, 147, 221, 355, 281, 429, 207
39 15.76 1.43 1.08 N.I. 10 55 55, 69, 57, 83, 54, 56, 67, 122
40 15.97 1.49 1.56 N.I. 11 355 73, 147, 221, 281, 355, 207, 429
41 16.66 1.53 1.59 N.I. 12 221 73, 147, 221, 355, 281, 207, 429
42 17.30 1.50 1.61 N.I. 13 221 73, 147, 221, 281, 355, 207, 74
43 17.35 1.12 0.99 N.I. 14 131 75, 131, 55, 144, 116, 128, 69, 394

a Retention time; b Tentative identifications based on variable importance to projection (VIP) > 0.7 and p value < 0.05; c Metabolites identified based on the in-house library of standard compounds (STD/MS: Standard compounds/Mass spectrometry fragments).