Sequence alignment of NF-YB and NF-YC with HFD proteins; the NF-YB sequence is aligned with human proteins H2B (sp|P06899|; PDB-code 4AFA), NC2β (sp|Q01658|; PDB-code 1JFI), POLE3 (sp|Q9NRF9|), and TAF12 (sp|Q16514|; PDB-code 1H3O). The NF-YC sequence is aligned with human proteins H2A (sp|P04908|; PDB-code 4AFA), NC2α (sp|Q14919|; PDB-code 1JFI), CHRAC15 (sp|Q9NRG0|), POLE4 (sp|Q9NR33|), and TAF4 (sp|O00268|; PDB-code 1H3O). The secondary structure arrangement of the HFD of NF-YB and NF-YC is shown above the sequences. When available, secondary structure information for the other aligned proteins was included (helical residues underlined). In TAF4, the predicted α3 region of the sequence is also aligned, separated by two slashes indicating the ~100 aa loop. Identical residues are highlighted in green, similar residues in light green. NF-Yd residues involved in suramin and glycerol binding are indicated by * and §, respectively.