Histological findings of the cEDS-affected Holstein calf and its dam. (a) The ulcerated (large arrows) cervical lesion from the calf displayed a prominent granulation tissue proliferation (asterisks) associated with neovascularization and severe neutrophilic infiltration. Moderate, lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrates were visible in the superficial dermis (large arrowheads). Within the deeper dermis, the collagen bundles were loose and irregular (thin arrows). Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), bar 500 µm. Inset: higher magnification of the affected connective tissue within the deeper dermis. The collagen bundles were wavy, short, and thin (thin arrows), and surrounded by edema (stars) and acute hemorrhage (thin arrowheads) in the absence of vascular changes. Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), bar 100 µm. (b) In the dam, the epidermis was irregular, mildy hyperplastic, and layered by large amount of lamellar to compact, orthokeratotic keratin (large arrows). Mild to moderate, perivascular lymphocytic and plasmacellular infiltrates were visible in the superficial dermis (large arrowheads), while similar changes to the ones described in the calf could be observed in the deeper dermis (thin arrows). Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), bar 500 µm. Inset: Higher magnification of the affected connective tissue within the deeper dermis. Similar changes to the ones observed in the calf could be observed, namely, wavy, short, and thin collagen bundles (thin arrows), interstitial edema (stars), and acute hemorrhage (thin arrowheads). Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), bar 100 µm.