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. 2020 Oct 25;10(11):1964. doi: 10.3390/ani10111964

Table 3.

Results of N–1 chi-squared tests to analyze differences in the proportional data resulting from the two diagnostic tests included in the study, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). CI, confidence interval; df, degrees of freedom; * denotes statistically significant differences in proportions with α = 0.05; a Green turtles, loggerheads, and both species combined were more likely to test positive for ChHV5 via ELISA than via qPCR; b Loggerheads were more likely than green turtles to test positive for ChHV5 via ELISA; c Loggerheads were more likely than green turtles to test positive for ChHV5 via both assays combined.

Percent Difference (%) 95% CI χ2 df p
Tested positive for ChHV5 via qPCR versus ELISA
Green turtles a 21.1 8.8–37.6% 17.4 1 <0.001 *
Loggerheads a 68.4 55.1–78.2% 109.0 1 <0.001 *
Both species a 51.1 40.6–60.9% 139.6 1 <0.001 *
qPCR results for free-ranging versus rehabilitating turtles
Green turtles 5.1 –11.2–9.8% 1.1 1 0.30
Loggerheads 7.4 –5.9–13.0% 2.0 1 0.15
Both species 6.2 –1.9–9.5% 3.0 1 0.08
Tested positive for ChHV5 via qPCR upon entry into rehabilitation versus established patients
Green turtles 8.7 –1.0–16.2% 3.7 1 0.06
Loggerheads 12.9 –1.9–35.6% 2.7 1 0.10
Both species 1.7 –8.3–8.2% 0.2 1 0.68
Tested positive for ChHV5 via ELISA upon entry into rehabilitation versus established patients
Green turtles 6.7 –3.7–29.9% 2.7 1 0.10
Loggerheads 3.3 –19.9–30.4% 0.1 1 0.80
Both species 6.9 –16.5–28.8% 0.3 1 0.58
Green turtles versus loggerheads that tested positive for ChHV5 via qPCR 1.6 –3.4–6.9% 0.4 1 0.52
Green turtles versus loggerheads that tested positive for ChHV5 via ELISA b 48.9 28.4–63.8% 21.1 1 <0.001 *
Green turtles versus loggerheads that tested positive for ChHV5 via both assays c 21.8 13.3–30.1% 24.8 1 <0.001 *