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. 2020 Oct 30;12(11):1238. doi: 10.3390/v12111238

Table 2.

Proportion of transmitted drug (TDR) and of acquired drug resistance (ADR) between 2001 and 2017. ART-NP, antiretroviral-naïve patients; ART-EP, antiretroviral-experienced patients; P-value for trend of TDR between 2003 and 2017 and of ADR between 2001 and 2017. Prot, protease; RT, reverse transcriptase; DRM, drug resistance mutations; NRTI, nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NNRTI, non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors; PI, protease inhibitors; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

Transmitted Drug Resistance (TDR) n (%) 95% CI OR (95% CI) p for Trend (2003–2017)
Prot/RT Sequence from ART-NP
Total 7310 (100.0%)
Any DRMs 690 (9.4%) 1.046 (1.024–1.068) <0.001
NRTI resistance 289 (4.0%) 3.5–4.4 1.053 (1.019–1.088) 0.002
NNRTI resistance 367 (5.0%) 4.5–5.5 1.053 (1.028–1.078) <0.001
PI resistance 206 (2.8%) 2.5–3.2 1.000 (0.964–1.038) 0.985
Single class resistance 535 (7.3%) 6.7–7.9 1.038 (1.014–1.063) 0.002
Dual class resistance 138 (1.9%) 1.6–2.2 1.071 (1.021–1.123) 0.005
PI + NRTI resistance 30 (0.4%) 0.3–0.6 0.891 (0.808–0.982) 0.021
PI + NNRTI resistance 18 (0.2%) 0.2–0.4 0.999 (0.883–1.132) 0.994
NRTI+NNRTI resistance 90 (1.2%) 0.9-1.5 1.163 (1.091–1.240) <0.001
Triple class resistance 17 (0.2%) 0.1–0.4 1.019 (0.895–1.160) 0.779
Acquired drug resistance (ADR) n (%) 95% CI OR (95% CI) p for trend (2001–2017)
Prot/RT sequence from ART-EP
Total 3848 (100.0%)
Any DRMs 2657 (69.0%) 67.6–70.5 0.867 (0.852–0.881) <0.001
NRTI resistance 2225 (57.8%) 56.2–59.4 0.854 (0.840–0.868) <0.001
NNRTI resistance 1763 (45.8%) 44.2–47.4 0.952 (0.938–0.967) <0.001
PI resistance 909 (23.6%) 22.3–25.0 0.822 (0.804–0.841) <0.001
Single class resistance 798 (20.7%) 19.0–22.0 1.022 (1.004–1.040) 0.019
Dual class resistance 1478 (38.0%) 37.0–40.0 0.908 (0.893–0.923) <0.001
PI + NRTI resistance 449 (11.6%) 10.6-12.7 0.813 (0.788–0.839) <0.001
PI + NNRTI resistance 24 (0.6%) 0.4–0.9 0.959 (0.870–1.058) 0.405
NRTI+NNRTI resistance 1005 (26.0%) 24.7–27.5 0.974 (0.957–0.990) 0.002
Triple class resistance 381 (9.9%) 9.0–10.9 0.840 (0.814–0.867) <0.001