Table 9.
Parameter | Comparison | E (1) | 95% CI Low (1) | 95% CI High (1) | p-Value (2) |
Change from baseline to week 8 | Comfort Shield vs. Control | 14.503 | 5.517 | 23.49 | 0.002 |
(1) Estimate (E) and associated 95% two-sided confidence interval (CI) of the difference between treatment group adjusted means: MMRM with the fixed, categorical effects of treatment, visit, and treatment-by-visit interaction, the random categorical effect of center, as well as the continuous, fixed covariates of baseline and baseline-by-visit interaction. A positive estimate of the difference between treatment group adjusted means is in favour of the Comfort Shield, a negative one in disfavour of the Comfort Shield. (2) two-sided p-value associated with the test of treatment effect.