Vegetative and reproductive development stages in the Asiatic hybrid lily ‘Lollypop.’ (A) Bulbs before chilling exposure. Bar, 2 cm. (B) Anthesis. Bar, 2 cm. (C–H) Definition of the floral development stages of the SAM. Bar, 500 μm. br, bract; op, outer perianth; ip, inner perianth; st, stamen; pi, pistil. (C) Vegetative SAM. (D) Flower initiation, rounded SAM. (E) Bract formation. (F) Formation of outer and inner perianthes primordia. (G) Formation of pistil primordia. (H) Pistil development. (I) Flower bud transition after planting. Flower developmental stages are defined in “Materials and Methods.” We observed three independent SAMs each week. (J) Alteration of plant height and leaf number after planting. The blue arrow indicates leaves emerged from the soil at three weeks after planting. The red arrow indicates ‘Lollypop’ blooming at 75 days after planting.