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. 2020 Nov 3;12(11):699. doi: 10.3390/toxins12110699

Table 1.

Summary of the items recorded from the 35 papers included in the retrospective study.

References Country Victim
Work-Related Hospital Admission
Time Interval Bite-Death Snake
Bite Area
Macroscopical Findings
Bite Area
Histological Findings
Macroscopical Findings
Histological Pattern
Barraviera B et al., 1989 [11] Brazil 60/M n.a. Yes/Yes 4–5 d Rattlesnake
Right leg.
Ulceration covered with a blood-stained scab.
Local edema and inflammatory signs. Focal myonecrosis. n.a. K: acute tubular necrosis
Barraviera B et al.,1989 [11] Brazil 59/M n.a. Yes/Yes 5 d Rattlesnake
Right leg.
Two punctiform erythematous lesions.
No signs of inflammation. n.a. Li: parenchymal necrosis.
Benvenuti LA et al., 2003 [12] Brazil 36/F n.a. Yes; No 45 min Bothrops jararacussu
Left ankle.
Two puncture wounds 25 mm apart. Ecchymosis on the left leg along the great saphenous vein.
Local hemorrhage, thrombosis, and coagulative necrosis of the subcutaneous and muscular tissue. L: hemorrhage. PG: normal.
H: fibrosis and interstitial hemorrhage.
L: extensive alveolar hemorrhage and edema with numerous platelet thrombi in capillaries and venules. DIC.
Blaylock RSM et al., 2002 [13] South Africa 40/M Yes Yes; Yes 1 h 15 min Puff Adder
(Bitis Arientas)
Left wrist.
Single puncture wound.
Extensive hemorrhage between muscle bundles and connective tissue. H: myocardium soft and flabby with hemorrhagic RA.
L: edema and congestion.
Li; K: pale aspect.
Blumenthal R et al., 2019 [14] South Africa 27/M Yes Yes; Yes 3 d Black Mamba
(Dendroaspis polylepis)
Right hand.
Single puncture mark.
Subcutaneous hemorrhage.
Minimal skin necrosis and hemorrhage at the puncture site.
Diffuse fresh hemorrhages around the vocal cords, the epiglottis, and in the LV.
H: petechiae overlying the anterior and posterior epicardial.
B: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.
H: diffuse hemorrhages.
L: fibrinosuppurative consolidation.
Chen L et al., 2013 [15] China 43/M n.a. Yes (at the end); n.a. 5 d Agkistrodom halysViperidae Right foot.
0.3 cm-long laceration made of two pairs of thin stripes. Right foot swollen and ecchymotic.
Subcutaneous hemorrhage and cellulitis. Diffuse edema and congestion. K: Toxic nephropathy, proximal tubular epithelial degeneration, and necrosis, protein and pigment cast in the distal tubules.
Chen L et al., 2013 [15] China 4/M n.a. Yes; n.a. 2 d Agkistrodom halysViperidae Right foot.
1.2 × 0.5 cm snakebite wound.
n.a. Diffuse edema and congestion.S: anemic aspect. B, T, K: congestion.
H, L: edema and congestion.
Curry SC et al., 1985 [16] USA 44/F No Yes; Yes 15 d Rattlesnake
Right calf.
Two fang marks surrounded by an area of discoloration.
Area of tissue disruption leading toward a vein. Small eschar over the site of fang penetration through epidermidis. B, Li, S: enlarged and congested.
H: lightly dilated and flabby; superficial hemorrhages.
L: expanded and indurated.
B: focal hemorrhages in the leptomeninges.
L: severe ARDS.
K: eosinophilic proteinaceous casts in small tubules.
Karlawad M et al., 2017 [17] India 75/M Yes Yes; Yes 3 h n.a. Scrotum.
Two punctured wounds surrounded by an area of discoloration.
Ulcerated stratified squamous epithelium with sub-epithelial tissue showing congested blood vessels and edema. Diffuse congestion. L: interstitial and intra-alveolar edema with rupture of alveoli.
H: unremarkable.
Keith J et al., 2012 [18] Australia 69/F No Yes; Yes 2 d Australian Brown Snake
(Pseudonaja textilis)
Foot. n.a. B: swollen with tonsillar herniation and V-shaped hemorrhage within the cerebellum. Unremarkable.
Kitchens CS et al., 1987 [19] USA 67/M No Yes; Yes 2 d 12 h Canebrake Rattlesnake
(Crotalus Horridus Atricaudatus)
Left Hand.
Two puncture wounds.
Rhabdomyolysis. The left thenar muscle disclosed a sparse infiltration of PMNs. M: soft consistency underlying the bite. H: patchy myocardial necrosis.
L: hemorrhagic pulmonary edema; small scattered pulmonary thrombi consistent with terminal DIC.
K: massive acute tubular necrosis.
M: rhabdomyolysis of the skeletal muscles.
Malbranque S et al., 2008 [20] Martinique
Yes Yes; Yes 10 d Fer-de-Lance (Bothrops lanceolatus) Viperidae Left elbow.
Fang puncture marks 20 mm apart surrounded by a swollen area.
n.a. Serous effusions in the peritoneal, pericardial, and pleural cavities.
B: edema with petechiae.
H: infarcts of different ages and sizes.
L: edematous and congested.
B: ischemic changes; thrombotic lesions were confined to the sub-arachnoid space.
H: Fibrinous pericarditis and scattered ischemic foci in the LV.
L: thrombotic lesion within the small pulmonary arteries and the capillaries of the inter-alveolar septa.
K: thrombotic lesion within the small renal inter-lobular vessels and, to a localized extent.
I: thrombotic lesion in the small intestine and colon.
Malhotra P et al., 2005 [21] India 27/F n.a. Yes; Yes n.a. n.a. Left foot.
Fang marks.
n.a. Unremarkable. B: extensive perivascular demyelination and limphocyte cuffing.
K: acute tubular necrosis.
Marsh N, et al., 2007 [22] USA
33/F No No; No n.a. Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) Viperidae Left hand.
Two puncture wounds 11–12 mm apart surrounded by a swollen and bloody area.
n.a. Ecchymoses of the head, trunk and extremities, the periorbital areas, and left orolaryngeal/mandibular angle.
L: hemorrhagic appearance and congestion.
McGarity BH et al., 1991 [23] Australia 40/M n.a. Yes; Yes 2 d Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) Elapidae Left heel. n.a. B: edematous; right tentorial and subfalcial herniation; massive right intracerebral hemorrhage, with rupture into the right basal ganglia and cerebellum. n.a.
Milani R Jr et al., 1997 [24] Brazil 3/F No Yes; Yes 18 h 40 min Jararacuçu (Bothrops jararacussu) Viperidae Left thigh.
Three widely spaced fang puncture marks.
Extensive rhabdomyolysis with hemorrhagic foci. Hemorrhage and necrosis in the dermis and hemorrhage in subcutaneous fat near the site. B: edema. L: hemorrhages with inflammatory infiltration of neutrophils in septa and alveoli and deposition of intra-alveolar fibrin.
Li: hepatic sinusoids and portal tracts infiltrated with PMNs.
P: fatty necrosis with hemorrhage of the parenchymal cells.
Milani R Jr et al., 1997 [24] Brazil 65/M n.a. Yes; Yes 4 d 9 h Jararacuçu (Bothrops jararacussu) Viperidae Left calf.
Two fang punctures surrounded by a ring of bruising.
Necrosis of muscle fibers and interstitial hemorrhage in the region of the wound. B: subarachnoid petechiae and edema. B: ischemic necrosis of the mucosa and in small cortical and meningeal vessels with local meningeal hemorrhage and cerebral edema.
Li: fatty (alcoholic) liver with evidence of shock.
I: fibrin thrombi in small sub-mucosal vessels.
AG: focal hemorrhages in the medulla, with depletion of the zona fasciculata.
K: acute tubular necrosis DIC.
Moar JJ et al., 2016 [25] South Africa 23/M Yes Yes; No Several hours Rinkhal (Hemachatus haemachatus) Elapidae Right forearm.
Two bite marks each 3 mm in diameter and 1.5 cm apart.
Displaced and disrupted fragments of adnexal structures into the depths of the wound, together with hemorrhaging into the surrounding interstitium, and compression of the collagen bundles of the dermis with collagen displacement and disruption. B, L: edema and petechial hemorrhages. B: Extravasation of erythrocytes into the surrounding Virchow–Robin spaces.
H: in LV marked interstitial vascular dilatation and congestion with focal subendocardial papillary muscle fibrosis.
Li: portal vessels congestion and widening by reticulin and a portal triaditis.
S: sinusoidal dilatation and congestion; mantle zone hyperplasia.
K: interstitial vascular and glomerular capillary loop dilatation and congestion with a chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate.
Namal Rathnayaka RMMK et al., 2018 [26] Sri Lanka 42/M Yes Yes; No 16 d Hump nose Viper
(Hypnale Hypnale)
Right foot. n.a. B: a small infarct (1.5 cm–1 cm) in the basal ganglia.
H: reduced lumen of the left coronary artery.
L: hemorrhages.
K: acute tubular necrosis.
H: normal.
Namal Rathnayaka RMMK et al., 2019 [27] Sri Lanka 66/M No Yes; No 4 d Hump nose Viper
(Hypnale Hypnale) Viperidae
Left foot.
Two fang punctures.
n.a. B, H, L: hemorrhages. L: edema and hemorrhage.
Namal Rathnayaka RMMK et al., 2017 [28] Sri Lanka 43/M No Yes; Yes 11 d Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii) Viperidae Right foot.
Swelling of the leg.
n.a. B: infarcted area of parietal lobes.
K: petechial hemorrhages.
B: hemorrhages, thrombi, and congested blood vessels.
H, L, K: normal.
Norris RL et al., 2009 [29] USA 38/M No No; No 2 h Coral snake (Micrurus fulvius) Elapidae Right Hand; Left Arm.
Fresh 6 mm linear abrasion and multiple punctuate abrasions in a small group.
n.a. L: congestion. Unremarkable.
Okamoto O et al., 2017 [30] Japan 84/F Yes Yes; Yes 35 d Mamushi (Gloydius Blomhoffii) Viperidae Right elbow. n.a. Li: acute necrosis.
I: extensive patchy necrosis at the small intestine; multiple ulcers and bleeding at the ascending colon.
K: cortical necrosis.
Li: necrosis around the central vein.
I: necrosis extended to the muscle layer.
K: glomerular necrosis.
Paulis MG et al., 2016 [31] Egypt 9/F No No; Yes n.a. Egyptian Cobra (Naja Haje) Elapidae Right leg.
Five pairs of fang marks with almost fixed distance between the paired ones, all surrounded by erythema and little swelling.
n.a. Internal organ congestion. n.a.
Paulis MG et al., 2016 [31] Egypt 6/F No No; No. n.a. Egyptian Cobra (Naja Haje) Elapidae Left leg.
Two pairs of fang marks, each pair was symmetrical, all surrounded by erythema and little swelling.
n.a. Internal organ congestion. n.a.
Paulis MG et al., 2016 [31] Egypt 4/F No No; No. n.a. Egyptian Cobra
(Naja Haje) Elapidae
Right leg.
Multiple fang marks close to each other surrounded by erythema.
n.a. Internal organ congestion. n.a.
Pramod Kumar GN et al., 2013 [32] India 68/M n.a. Yes; n.a. 4 d n.a. Right thigh.
Bluish black discoloration of the outer aspect of the right thigh and of the right leg. Multiple blisters and ulcerative necrosis. Extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous plane.
n.a. Unremarkable (coexistence of gastric and kidney cancers). n.a.
Quain, 1852 [33] England
30/M Yes Yes: No. 1 h 30 min Hooded Snake - Cobra de Capello (Naja tripudians) Elapidae Face.
Three puncture marks surrounded by an ecchymotic area.
n.a. Congestion of all internal organs, particularly of the spleen. n.a.
Rathnayaka RMMKN et al., 2017 [34] Sri Lanka 53/M n.a. Yes; Yes 26 d Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii) Viperidae Right Leg.
Swollen area.
n.a. B: infarcted area of parietal lobes of the brain.
K: reduced cortico-medullary demarcation in both kidneys and petechial hemorrhages.
Sarkar N et al., 2018 [3] India 27/M No No; No. almost 6 h Banded Krait (Bungarus faciatus) Elapidae Hand.
Two pin-point punctured wounds, subcutaneous deep, placed 8 mm apart.
n.a. Internal organ congestion
K: bilateral cortico-medullary hemorrhage and congestion.
K: interstitial hemorrhage; inflammatory cell infiltration and swelling.
Sarkar N et al., 2018 [3] India 26/F No No; No almost 6 h Banded Krait (Bungarus faciatus) Elapidae Right shoulder.
Two pin-point punctured wounds.
n.a. Internal organ congestion
K: bilateral cortico-medullary hemorrhage and congestion.
K: interstitial hemorrhage and inflammatory cell infiltration.
Sarkar N et al., 2018 [3] India 4/F No No; No almost 6 h Banded Krait (Bungarus faciatus) Elapidae Right foot. n.a. Internal organ congestion.
K: bilateral cortico-medullary hemorrhage and congestion.
K: increased cytoplasmatic eosinophilia and occasional surface blebbing of the renal tubular epithelial cell (early ischemic injury).
Silva A et al., 2013 [35] Sri Lanka 19/M No Yes; Yes 1 d 22 h Indian Krait (Bungarus caeruleus) Elapidae n.a. n.a.
H, L, K: Petechial hemorrhages and edema. n.a.
Silva de Oliveira S et al., 2017 [36] Brazil 59/F No Yes; Yes 2 d Jaracaca do Norte (Bothrops atrox) Viperidae Right foot.
Ecchymotic and swollen area.
n.a. B: Subarachnoid and intraparenchymal hemorrhage. n.a.
Soe S et al.,1993 [37] Myanmar 13/M n.a. n.a.; n.a. n.a. Russell’s Viper
(Vipera Russelli) Viperidae
n.a. n.a. n.a. K: Glomerular changes: endothelial swelling, increased cells; degeneration and necrosis of the tubules, and fibrin deposition.
Soe S et al.,1993 [37] Myanmar 15/F n.a. n.a.; n.a. n.a. Russell’s Viper
(Vipera Russelli) Viperidae
n.a. n.a. n.a. K: Glomerular changes: endothelial swelling, increased cells; degeneration and necrosis of the tubules, and fibrin deposition.
Soe S et al.,1993 [37] Myanmar 15/F n.a. n.a.; n.a. n.a. Russell’s Viper
(Vipera Russelli) Viperidae
n.a. n.a. n.a. K: Glomerular changes: endothelial swelling, increased cells; degeneration and necrosis of the tubules, and fibrin deposition.
Soe S et al.,1993 [37] Myanmar 49/M n.a. n.a.; n.a. n.a. Russell’s Viper
(Vipera Russelli) Viperidae
n.a. n.a.
n.a. K: Glomerular changes: endothelial swelling, increased cells; degeneration and necrosis of the tubules, and fibrin deposition
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 16/F No Yes; n.a. 1 h Brown snake (Pseudonaja Textilis) Elapidae Right heel.
Fang marks 5 mm apart.
n.a. Unremarkable. n.a.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 27/F n.a. Yes; n.a. 1 h 30 min Brown snake Elapidae n.a. n.a. Unremarkable. n.a.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 61/F NO Yes; No 1 h 30 min Brown snake Elapidae Right ankle.
n.a. Small retroperitoneal hemorrhage. n.a.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 51/M n.a. Yes; Yes 1 h Taipan
n.a. n.a. Unremarkable. n.a.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 2/F No No; No n.a. Brown snake Elapidae Left leg.
Two minute puncture wounds.
n.a. L: congestion and edema with numerous petechial hemorrhages on the visceral pleurae. n.a.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 42/M No Yes; Yes 5 h 30 min Taipan
n.a. n.a. Unremarkable. n.a.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 60/M Yes Yes; Yes 25 min Brown snake Elapidae Right Foot.
n.a. Unremarkable. n.a.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 35/M No No; No 35 min Brown snake (Pseudonaja Textilis) Elapidae Right hand. n.a. H: Coronary arteries disease.
Li: cirrhosis.
Sutherland SK, 1992 [38] Australia 48/F No No; No 30 min n.a. Right Foot.
Two tiny puncture wounds.
n.a. n.a. Quantities of venom in urine that reacted to tiger snake venom.
Than-Than et al., 1989 [39] Myanmar 19/M Yes Yes (at the end); Yes 14 h Russell’s Viper
(Vipera Russelli Siamensis) Viperidae
bruising area.
n.a. L: petechial hemorrhages. PG: marked acute congestion.
L: intraseptal capillaries were congested and contained fibrin thrombi as did some of the large pulmonary vessels, erythrocytes in the alveoli but no definite hemorrhage.
S: red pulp congested with pseudoamyloid change in the central arterioles of some of the malpighian corpuscles.
Li: congested with some nonspecific inflammatory cells.
K: the glomerular tufts were congested and some contained fibrin thrombi; early tubular necrosis.
B, H, AG: normal.
Than-Than et al., 1989 [39] Myanmar 17/M Yes Yes (at the end); Yes 1 d 12 h Russell’s Viper
(Vipera Russelli Siamensis) Viperidae
Foot. Hemorrhage, necrosis, and the presence of fibrin thrombi in small vessels. Subcutaneous fibrofatty tissue heavily infiltrated by a mixture of PMNs, leucocytes, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. Dense acidophilic homogeneous fibrin-like material in the surrounding blood vessels. Serous fluid in the pleural and peritoneal cavities.
B: edema.
PG, AG: diffusely hemorrhagic.
H, L: petechial hemorrhages.
K: demarcation between dark red medulla and pale cortex.
PG: congestion and hemorrhage with foci of fibrinous material.
H: numerous focal hemorrhages on the epicardial and endocardial surfaces.
L: intense capillary wall congestion.
AG: patchy congestion and focal hemorrhages.
K: glomerular congestion; marked congestion of the medulla and corticomedullary junction with interstitial hemorrhages; early tubular necrosis.
Than-Than et al., 1989 [39] Myanmar 15/F Yes Yes; Yes 2 d 4 h Russell’s Viper
(Vipera Russelli Siamensis) Viperidae
Foot. n.a. B: edematous and congested. Large blood clot (5 × 12 mm) in the pituitary fossa.
PG: dark grey in color and hemorrhagic parenchyma.
L, H, St: subserosal hemorrhage.
AG: hemorrhagic.
K: Blood clots in the pelvises. Contrasting red medulla and pale cortex.
B: edematous with dilatation of perineuronal and Virchow-Robin spaces.
PG: extensive areas of hemorrhage and intense congestion of the sinusoids.
L: acute alveolar wall congestion without hemorrhage, fibrin thrombi or edema.
S: expansion of the red pulp.
K: glomerular congestion with slight increase in cellularity. Early tubular necrosis.
Tibballs J et al., 1991 [40] Australia 11/M No Yes; Yes Less than 1 d Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) Elapidae Left wrist. n.a. B: multiple intracerebral hemorrhages and subarachnoid collections of blood. n.a.
Tilbury CR et al., 2016 [41] Congo 46/M Yes Yes; Yes 2 h 20 min Burrowing Asps (Atractaspis corpulenta) Lamprophiidae Left hand.
Punctuation-shaped wound (!), 2.5 mm in length surrounded by a non-specified rash.
Disruption of the epidermal and dermal tissue layers, with associated fresh hemorrhage. Diffuse congestion of the organs.
H: flabby.
L: edematous and congested.
H: acute ischemic changes, foci of contraction band necrosis with no accompanying inflammatory response.
L: prominent pulmonary edema and severe pulmonary congestion.
Tranca S et al., 2016 [42] Romania 56/M n.a. Yes; Yes n.a. Vipera Berus Viperidae Right tight.
Two puncture wounds surrounded by a purpuric area.
Diffuse epidermal necrosis associated with micro-hemorrhages and micro-thrombosis in the dermis and hypodermis. H, L: edema. B: edema and hemorrhagic lesions in the leptomeninges.
H: myocardial fibrosis, epicardial and interstitial hemorrhages.
L: atelectasia and pulmonary hemorrhagic edema.
Li: diffuse hepatic necrosis.
I: enteral necrosis and acute mucosal hemorrhages.
K: acute tubular necrosis.
Varagunam T et al., 1970 [43] Sri Lanka 30/M Yes Yes; No 11 d Pit-Viper (Agkistrodom hypnale) Viperidae Left hand.
Scars of two fang marks.
n.a. K: larger, external surface was smooth with many areas of necrosis or hemorrhage; necrotic areas confined to the cortices; the medullae were congested.
H, L, Li, S, I, AG: normal.
Li: early fatty changes.
K: irregular areas of coagulative necrosis in the cortices; both glomeruli and tubules were involved in the necrotic process; Necrosis in many intralobular arteries and arterioles.
Wankhede AG, 2004 [44] India 25/M Yes Yes, n.a. 1 d Russell’s Viper (Vipera Russelli Siamensis) Viperidae Right ankle.
Two puncture wounds of diameter 1.5 mm each and 2.3 cm apart and puncture lacerated wounds one 7 mm below the lateral puncture wound, 1.5 cm in length, and the second 1.6 cm below the medial puncture wound 6 mm in length.
n.a. B: petechial hemorrhages, congestion and edema.
L: congestion and edema.
Warrell DA et al., 1976 [45] Nigeria 10/M No No; No 2 h Egyptian Cobra (Naja Haje) Elapidae Right hand.
Two fang punctures 2 cm apart, surrounded by a swollen area.
n.a. Unremarkable. B, H: normal.

AG: adrenal glands; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; B: brain; DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation; H: heart; I: intestine; K: kidneys; L: lungs; Li: Liver; LV: left ventricle; M: muscle; n.a.: not available; P: pancreas; PG: pituitary gland; PMNs: polymorphonuclear leukocytes; RA: right atrium; S: spleen; St: stomach; T: thymus.