Figure 5.
pS129 positive human α-syn is enriched in OL processes (A) Representative immunofluorescence imaging of 2′,3′-cyclic-nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase, red) together with human α-syn (MJFR1, green) in primary cultures of OLs from PLP-αSyn mice and wt mice. (B) Representative immunofluorescence imaging of 2′,3′-cyclic-nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase, red) together with pS129-α-syn (EP1536Y, green, bottom) in primary cultures of OLs from PLP-αSyn mice and wt mice. (C) Left and middle panels: localization at the processes tips of phosphorylated human α-syn, with total α-syn (syn1, red) and pS129-α-syn (EP1536Y, green) immunofluorescence staining and respective quantification of the profile intensities by linescan analysis. Right panel shows the occasional nuclear localization of phosphorylated human α-syn, with total human α-syn (Syn-211, red) and pS129-α-syn (EP1536Y, green) immunofluorescence staining and respective quantification of the profile intensities by linescan analysis. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments.