Figure 8.
Differentially expressed tRNAs in EVs derived from Ngfr−/− and Sort1−/− compared with EVs from WT Schwann cells. (a) Heatmap covering the most significantly changing tRNAs, with p-values (not multiple-testing corrected) below 0.05 in one or more of the pairwise comparisons. Top annotation shows Sort1−/− in orange, Ngfr−/− in yellow and control WT as blue. Shown are z scores of log2-transformed RPM values. (b) Volcano plot for EV tRNAs from Ngfr−/− versus WT comparison and (c) Volcano plot for EV tRNAs from Sort1−/− versus WT. Plotted are –log10(p-values) vs. −log2(fold change). Red means < 0.05 adjusted p-value. Vertical lines indicate +/− 1 log2(fold change). The names for the 10 most significant tRNA are indicated.