Results of planar lipid bilayer experiments with B. cereus F837/76 ∆nheABC supernatant, as well as rHbl proteins. (A) Small Hbl pores of B. cereus F837/76 ∆nheABC supernatant for comparison (see also Figure 5A and Figure 6A). (B) Lesions resulting from 30-fold concentration of the supernatant. (C) Reduction of the lesions of 30-fold-concentrated B. cereus F837/76 ∆nheABC supernatant by the use of 8 M urea. (D) Occurrence of large lesions with rHbl proteins 5 + B, 3 + L1, 5 + L2 (each 1.5 pmol/µl, mixed 1:1:1, [26]). (E) No effect of the use of rHbl proteins 5 + B, 3 + L1, 5 + L2 (each 1.5 pmol/µl, mixed 1:1:1, [26]) in 8 M urea. (F) Reduction of the large lesions of rHbl by the use of the newly developed 7 + rHbl proteins without strep tag.