Table 2.
Variable | Predictors | R | R2 | SEE | VIF | Prediction Equation |
Endomorphy | FM% S2/R Triceps skinfold Supraspinal skinfold Stature |
0.91 | 0.83 | 0.16 | 2.12 3.45 1.06 1.15 2.29 |
y = 4.292 + 0.050 × FM% + 0.012 × S2/R + 0.092 × triceps skinfold + 0.139 × supraspinal skinfold − 0.029 × stature |
Mesomorphy | CAC CC FFM Stature |
0.89 | 0.80 | 0.36 | 1.58 2.11 4.80 2.54 |
y = 10.351 + 0.212 × CAC + 0.187 × CC + 0.048 × FFM − 0.125 × stature |
Ectomorphy | FFM/S Stature |
0.94 | 0.87 | 0.22 | 1.29 1.29 |
y = −7.945 − 25.021 × FFM/S + 0.109 × Stature |
Abbreviations: R = multiple correlation coefficient; R2 = multiple coefficient of determination; SEE = standard error of estimate; VIF = variation inflation factor; FM% = percentage of fat mass; S2/R = stature2/resistance; CAC = contracted arm circumference; CC = calf circumference; FFM = fat-free mass; FFM/S = fat-free mass/stature.