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. 2020 Nov 5;9(11):3557. doi: 10.3390/jcm9113557

Table 1.

Study characteristics.

First Author, Year Type of Study Target Population % Female Recruitment Inclusion N Intervention Additional Support Intervention Duration Primary Endpoint Outcome Measure Country
Amorim 2019 RCT Adults (18–65 years) 50% via clinic Chronic low back pain:
- mechanical LBP for over 12 weeks
68 1. Intervention group: Mobile web app;
2. Control group: Information booklet and staying active
YES: After the first face-to-face coaching session, the health coach contacted participants fortnightly and information booklet + Fitbit tracker not specified 6 months Pain NRS Australia
Bloedt 2018 Randomized pragmatic trial (observational study) Women (18–34 years) 100% via research institution Menstrual pain (cramping):
- being diagnosed with dysmenorrhea
221 1. Intervention group: AKUD App with acupressure features No: Usual care not specified 6 months (6 menstrual cycles) Pain NRS Germany
Chhabra 2018 RCT Adults (>18 years) n/a via clinic Chronic low back pain:
- mechanical LBP >12 weeks with or without radicular symptoms
93 1. Intervention group: Snapcare App;
2. Control group: Usual care with written prescription of medication and physical activity
No: Usual care (Written prescription of medication and physical activity) 12 weeks 12 weeks Pain NRS India
Choi 2019 RCT Adults (>20 years) 68% via clinic Frozen shoulder:
- shoulder pain for at least one month
84 1. Intervention group: Exercise app, including feedback, motivation, reminder;
2. Control group: Self-exercise group
YES: both groups were prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (celecoxib) for two months, and educated and encouraged to perform self-exercise not specified 12 weeks Pain VAS Korea
Clement 2018 retrospective analysis of the user database Adults (>18 years) 49% via online channels (Facebook, Google Ads, company home page) Low back pain:
- declaration of medical treatment of back pain
1055 1. Intervention group: Updated 1.4 version of the Kaia App featuring physiotherapy, mindfulness, and education No not specified 24 weeks Pain NRS Germany
Goebel 2019 Observational study Adults (age not reported) 87% via online channels (clinic website, social media, newsletters) Migraine:
- suffering from migraine or headaches
1464 1. Intervention group: Migraine app with medication reminder, expert chats, relaxation, education, couching No not specified max. 12 months (no primary endpoint defined) Pain VAS Germany
Guetin 2016 Observational study Patients (7–88 years) 79% via clinic Different chronic pain conditions 53 1. Intervention group: Music-care app receptive music intervention (max. 7 sessions) No not specified After use of app (min. 1 session and max. 7 sessions) Pain VAS France
Guillory 2015 Pilot RCT (Observational study) Adults (18–80 years) 75% Via clinic Chronic non-cancer pain:
- pain on most days for >3 months
82 1. Intervention group: Pain tracking app usage + twice daily text messages reminder YES- daily reminder to use the app plus twice-daily supportive text messages for encouragement 4 weeks 4 weeks Pain NRS United States
Huber 2017 retrospective study Adults (mean age of 33.9) 58% via online channels (FB, Google ads, company homepage) Unspecific low back pain:
- declaration of medical treatment of back pain
180 1. Intervention group: Kaia mobile app that digitalizes multidisciplinary pain treatment NO not specified 12 weeks Pain NRS Germany
Irvine 2015 RCT (Comparison App vs. Control) Adults (18–65 years) 60% via online channels (FB, Google ads, company homepage) Non-specific low back pain:
- low back pain within the past 3 months
597 1. Intervention group: FitBack app;
2. Control group: Usual care with reminder E-mails;
3. Alternative care group: 8 E-mails with link to resources
YES: Weekly E-Mail reminder not specified 16 weeks Pain intensity (1–7) United States
Jamison 2016 Observational study Adults (>18 years) 64% via clinic chronic pain:
- chronic pain for >6 months
90 1. Intervention group: Pain coping app + Fitbit No: only technical support was offered 12 weeks 12 weeks Brief pain inventory (BPI)
-> Pain intensity (0–10)
United States
Kravitz 2018 RCT Adults (18–75 years) 47% via research institutions CMSP:
- musculo-skeletal pain for >6 weeks at the time of screening
215 1. Intervention group: Mobile health app (choice of e.g., drug or alternative treatments);
2. Control group: TAU + self-management booklet
YES: Reminder phone calls or e-mail + self-management booklet not specified 48 weeks Pain intensity (PROMIS 3a short form) (0–100) United States
Kristjánsdóttir 2013 RCT Women (>18 years) 100% via clinic CWP:
- having suffered from CWP for more than 6 months
140 1. Intervention group: Smartphone intervention with diaries and daily feedback;
2. Control group: Informational website with self-help material
YES: Access to an informational website with self-help pain-management material 4 weeks 4 weeks Pain VAS Norway
Lee 2017 RCT Adult office worker (25–35 years) 45% via research intuition Chronic neck pain:
- pain for more than 6 months
20 1. Intervention group: App with self-feedback for exercises;
2. Control group: Brochure and one education session on care their neck pain
YES: Both groups received text messages once a week about caring for their pain not specified 8 weeks Pain VAS Korea
Lo 2018 Observational study Adults (18–65 years) 25% via homepage invitation of clinic Chronic neck and back pain:
- pain within the past 3 months
161 1. Intervention group: Artificial intelligence (AI) embedded smartphone app No: But contact function via in-app messaging function not specified 4 weeks Pain NRS China
Mollard 2018 Pilot study two group experimental design Adults (>18 years) n/a via clinic rheumatoid arthritis (RA):
- actively seeing a rheumatology provider at the researchers’ university rheumatology clinic
36 1. Intervention group: Live with Arthritis app to monitor progression of rheumatoid arthritis inflammation using optical imaging;
2. Control group: TAU
No not specified 6 months Pain VAS United States
Rini 2015 RCT Adults (>18 years) 81% via research institution Osteoarthritis pain:
- confirmed radiographically (Kellgren & Lawrence grade ≥ 2, with pain in the affected joint);
- Osteoarthritis pain pain > 3 months
113 1. Intervention group: PainCOACH app including coping skills training, guided instructions, individualized feedback, interactive feedback and demonstrations;
2. Control group: Assessment only
YES: Brief regular phone calls phoned to encourage continued use of the program 11 weeks 11 weeks Pain (AIMS2) ->pain in the prior month (1 = severe –5 = none) United States
Shebib 2019 RCT Adults (>18 years) 41% via participating employers across 12 locations in the US Unspecific low back pain:
- pain for at least 6 weeks in the past 12 months
177 1. Intervention group: App including personal coaching in a team to provide peer support;
2. Control group: Three digital education articles from the intervention + TAU
YES: Intervention participants received a tablet and two Bluetooth wearable motion-sensors to be placed along the lower back and torso during the in-app exercise therapy + TAU 12 weeks 12 weeks Pain VAS United States
Skrepnik 2017 RCT Adults (30–80 years) 50% via selected private community-based practices Knee Osteoarthritis:
- knee OA whom the physician investigator decided to treat with one 6-mL injection of hylan G-F 20
211 1. Intervention group: App “OA GO” including motivational messages, pain and mood tracking;
2. Control group: regular follow-up + wearable activity monitor
YES: Regular follow-ups as per standard-of-care following Hylan G-F 20 treatment + wearable activity monitor 90 days 90 days Pain NRS United States
Suso-Ribera 2018 Feasibility Study Adults (18–65 years) 53% via clinic Heterogenous chronic pain:
- pain for more than 6 months prior to the study
38 1. Intervention group: Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) monitoring app with protocol for pain, mood and medication (e.g., side effects) YES: Weekly phone calls to assess recalled pain intensity and mood 30 days 30 days Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) -> Pain NRS Spain
Toelle 2019 RCT Adults (18–65 years) 70% via clinic Unspecific low back pain:
- non-specific low back pain;
- pain had to be ongoing for the last 6 weeks up to 12 months
101 1. Intervention group: Kaia App including modules: (1) education, (2) physiotherapy, and (3) relaxation;
2. Control group: Six face-to-face sessions of standard physiotherapy once a week + weekly E-mails with online resources
No 12 weeks 12 weeks Pain NRS Germany
Yang 2019 RCT Adults (>18 years) 50% via clinic Chronic low back pain:
- confirmed diagnosis of chronic low back pain (>3 months) by physicians;
- no musculo-skeletal origins
8 1. Intervention group: Self- management app (Pain Care);
2. Control group: Physiotherapy
YES: Physiotherapy 4 weeks 4 weeks Pain VAS China

Abbreviations: NRS = Numeric Rating Scale; RCT = randomized controlled trial; VAS = Visual Analog Scale; OA = osteoarthritis; TAU = treatment as usual; AKUD= acupressure against dysmenorrhea; LBP = low back pain; FB = Facebook; PROMIS = Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; n/a = data not available; CMSP = chronic musculoskeletal pain; CWP = chronic widespread pain.