Figure 1.
(A) Schematic representation of the 9 different kind of beads used for the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) calculations. Lysine (K), serine (S), modified cysteine (C), modified glycerol (G) and five C3H6 fatty acid units (F) for the Pam1CSK4 and the Pam3CSK4 molecules; water (W), where one bead represents 3 molecules of water; linear chains of lactic acid monomers (LA)n for the PLA chains; chromanol (CHR) for the double cycle; and 3 beads (C5) each composed of 5 carbon atoms for the fatty acid chain. (B) Representations of the Pam1CSK4, Pam3CSK4, water, PLA and vitamin E molecules. The groups of atoms corresponding to the different beads are evidenced using colored backgrounds.