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. 2020 Oct 5;34(6):2384–2397. doi: 10.1111/jvim.15922


Baseline variables in the 2 groups

Variable Lyophilized n Cryopreserved n P‐value Hypothesis test
Age (y) 7.1 ± 3.5 50 7.08 ± 3.55 38 .1 t test
Sex (female/male) 31/18 49 22/16 38 .66 Fisher's exact test
Temperature (°F) 101.8 ± 1.2 49 101.6 ± 1.4 38 .46 t test
Pulse rate (bpm) 124 ± 26 49 125.9 ± 24.9 38 .71 t test
Respiratory rate (rpm) 31 (28‐36) 36 36 (29‐48) 29 .15 Mann‐Whitney U test
DOGiBAT score 6 (4–6) 49 5 (3–7) 38 .45 Mann‐Whitney U test
Platelet count (×103/μL) 6.0 (0.3‐14.5) 49 8.9 (0.8‐12.0) 38 .85 Mann‐Whitney U test
HCT (%) 36.0 ± 10.9 49 36.4 ± 10.7 38 .86 t test
Leukocyte count (×103/μL) 15.3 (9.7‐21.9) 49 14.9 (9.2‐20.6) 38 .66 Mann‐Whitney U test
Neutrophil count (×103/μL) 10.8 (7.9‐17.6) 44 12.5 (6.6‐17.7) 36 .8 Mann‐Whitney U test
BMBT (s) 600 (300‐600) 11 600 (270‐600) 7 .68 Mann‐Whitney U test
aPTT (n L/N/H) 4/36/9 50 2/25/7 34 .78 𝜒2
PT (n L/N/H) 3/45/2 50 1/34/1 36 .74 𝜒2
R‐time (n L/N/H) 1/10/3 14 0/12/5 17 .49 𝜒2
K‐time (n L/N/H) 12/1/2 14 13/2/1 17 .67 𝜒2
Alpha angle (n L/N/H) 7/6/1 14 5/11/1 17 .47 𝜒2
MA (n L/N/H) 12/2/0 14 14/3/0 17 .8 𝜒2
G (n L/N/H) 9/2/0 11 12/3/0 15 .9 𝜒2
Lag time (min) 2.6 (2.2‐2.8) 6 2.7 (2.7‐2.9) 9 .26 Mann‐Whitney U test
Peak thrombin (nM) 88.5 (77.5‐98.9) 6 91.7 (70.4‐96.9) 9 .95 Mann‐Whitney U test
ETP (nM·min) 422 (294‐442) 6 401 (353‐460) 9 .78 Mann‐Whitney U test

Note: Parametric data are summarized by mean ± SD, non‐parametric data are summarized by median (interquartile range) and categorical data are displayed as n per category. Differences in the reference intervals for the coagulation variables between centers precluded comparison as continuous variables. Hence coagulation variables were compared as categorized variables (low, normal, or high) based on local reference intervals.

Abbreviations: aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; BMBT, buccal mucosal bleeding time; ETP, endogenous thrombin potential; H, above the reference interval; HCT, hematocrit; K‐time, clot formation time; L, Below the reference interval; MA, maximum amplitude; N, within the reference interval; PT, prothrombin time; R‐time, clot reaction time.