(A) t-SNE projection of all cells, showing 10 different clusters.
(B) Baf155/Smarcc1 expression in all YSs, showing the absence of Baf155 expression in the CKO EMP cell population.
(C) An overlay of scRNA-seq data between WT and Baf155 CKO YSs.
(D) Percentage of cells in each cluster from WT versus Baf155 CKO YSs.
(E) Heatmap showing differentially expressed genes in each cluster.
(F) The EMP signature genes Gata2, Tal1, cKit, Cd34, and Pu.1/Spi1 are similarly expressed in WT and Baf155 CKO EMPs.
(G) A cell population with myeloid lineage signature gene expression (Irf8, Maf, Csf1r, Cx3cr1, and Trem2) is absent in Baf155 CKO YSs.
(H) A cell population with EryD lineage signature genes expression (Gdf3, Muc13, Ccl17, and Gm15915) is significantly lower in Baf155 CKO YSs.
(I) A population with elevated megakaryocyte lineage signature gene expression is increased in Baf155 CKO YS cells.
(J) Endothelial lineage signature genes are still expressed in the Baf155-deficient EMP cell population.
See also Figure S3.