Fig. 6.
The combination of MS-275 and resveratrol reduces immunoreactivity for CD68 and Iba1 1 day after pMCAO. (a-i) Representative images of CD68 (red) and Iba1 (green) immunofluorescence with Hoechst (blue) staining in the peri-infarct area of brain sections obtained from the ipsilateral hemispheres of (a, d, g) sham vehicle, (b, e, h) MCAO vehicle, and (c, f, i) MCAO MS-275 (20 μg/kg) + resveratrol (680 μg/kg) mice. # = bushy Iba1+ cells, / = ramified Iba1+ cells. Arrows represent sites of co-reactivity to CD68 and Iba1. Asterisks denote area shown in insets in higher magnification. Images are representative of 3 animals per group. Scale bars: in a = 50 μm for (a-i); in the inset in g = 20 μm for the insets in g, h and i.