Per-capita mortality by May 9 vs. duration of the outbreak according to whether early masking was adopted. Data grouped by whether country did not recommend masks by April 16, 2020 or recommended them more than 60 days after outbreak onset (red line), recommended masks 16–30 days after onset of the country’s outbreak (orange line), or recommended masks (or traditionally used masks) within 15 days of the outbreak onset (blue line close to the x-axis). Country mortality was averaged for the following country groups of infection duration: 0–15 days, 16–30 days, 31–45 days, 46–60 days, 61–75 days, 76–90 days, and 91–105 days. For instance, per-capita mortality for all non-mask or late-masking countries with infection duration between 61 and 75 days was averaged, and graphed at the x-value 68 days. Data for graph were derived from 200 countries.