Suspend outpatient and day treatment services
Transition to telehealth-based therapies
Coordinate additional support services within the home
Update and distribute staff policies and guidelines for isolation procedures, transportation, cleaning, exposure control, and infection control specifically targeting droplet exposure
Serial training and competency checks on these above procedures based on updated information regarding best practices
Vigilantly implement recommended protections for staff (e.g., personal protective equipment; PPE) and persons served
Discontinue community activities outside of the residential facility, group home, or participant’s home
In the absence of community outings, enhance and expand in-house leisure and recreation programs (eg, increase frequency of recreational therapy, implement telehealth availability of art and music therapy and support groups including availability in evening hours, increase outdoor recreational activities and community walks that include instruction and rehearsal of safe practices for community activities)
Restrict outside visitation to facilities
Conduct daily symptom screening and temperature checks of those required to enter the facility (eg, staff, vendors)
To reduce the possibility of cross-contamination, assign therapists who in the past served multiple facilities or group homes to a single setting and, as possible, to a small cohort of persons to treat
Increase frequency of facility cleaning routines with special attention to thorough and frequent cleaning of shared surfaces and equipment
For services in the participant’s home, provide and reinforce education on infection control and prevention (for example, frequent handwashing, adhering to local shelter-in-place orders, social distancing, and wearing masks or face shields)
Quarantine and, as possible, test program participants and staff showing COVID-19 symptoms; recommend seeking appropriate medical evaluation and treatment
Quarantine program participants and staff who had contact with COVID-positive individuals guided by physician and regulatory agency advice