(A) Flow cytometric analysis of the transition between OCT4+ pluripotent hiPSCs and early PAX6+ telencephalic neural progenitor cells. Error bars represent the SEM. Replicates were as follows: WT (3 clones from two donors), DEL (6 clones from three donors). (B) Wild-type (WT), 16p11.2 microdeletion (DEL), and 16p11.2 microduplication (DUP) Day 26 neural rosettes show the typical radially arrayed clusters of neural progenitor cells in brightfield micrographs. Clone IDs for each image: DEL (DEL_5_9, DEL_1_2, DEL_5_8, DEL_9_984), DUP (DUP_3_1, DUP_1_9, DUP_3_3, DUP_1_8), WT (WT_8343.2, WT_8343.2, WT_8343.4, WT_2242.5). (C) Day 45 immature neurons are characterized by long neurites and expression of the neuronal markers TUJ1 and NEUN (scale bar, 50 µm). Clone WT_8343.5.