Fig. 4. Electromechanical behaviors and piezoresistive crack propagation sensing mechanism.
(A) Relative resistance-strain curves and gauge factors of a MXene-PpyNW-VSNP-PAM–based e-skin sensor recorded at x and y directions, respectively. (B) Real time, fast response (~90 ms), and recovery (~240 ms) of the e-skin sensor upon application of a tiny touch. (C) Durability test of the e-skin sensor under a strain of 800% at a frequency of 0.12 Hz. The current change curves were recorded after each 1000 cycles, and 45 cycles of data were presented in each record (x direction). (D) Multicycle tests of relative resistance variation as a function of time (strain frequency, 0.4 Hz) upon stretching to different maximum strains (50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000%). (E) Relative resistance response of the e-skin sensor at different frequencies under a strain of 1000%. a.u., arbitrary units. (F) Gauge factor as a function of a maximum reliable working range of the present e-skin sensor along with recently reported sensors adapted from (17, 35, 36). (G to J) Surface SEM images of MXene-PpyNW-VSNP-PAM e-skin sensor taken at various stretching states: (G) 0%, (H) 400%, (I) 800%, and (J) 1200%.