(A-C) Once the infraspinatus tendon has been repaired, we suture the anterior part of the infraspinatus with the posterior bundle (DC) of the long head biceps tendon (LHBT) box construct to reinforce our construction (view from the lateral portal of the right shoulder with patient in lateral decubitus position). The posterior bundle (DC) of the LHBT is narrower than the anterior bundle (AB) (because distally, the LHBT has smaller diameter than proximally). For this reason, we avoid piercing the part DC and we prefer passing around it when we suture the infraspinatus with the posterior bundle (DC) of the LHBT graft. (A, LHBT anchor; CD, the posterior bundle of superior capsular reconstruction box construct; G, glenoid surface; GT, greater tuberosity; HH, humeral head; IS, infraspinatus tendon.).