Fig. 1. Structure of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nup84-Nup133CTD-VHH-SAN8 complex.
a Schematic of the S. cerevisiae Y complex. Regions included in the structure are colored (Pink—Nup84, Purple—Nup133). Elements of ACE1 fold proteins are indicated: T—tail and C—crown adjacent to the central trunk element. b Schematic of S. cerevisiae Nup84-Nup133 with previously solved fragments colored as in a. c Schematic of homologous human Nup107-Nup133 with previously solved fragments colored in light pink—Nup107 and light purple—Nup133. d Structure of Nup84-Nup133CTD-VHH-SAN8, with Nup84 in pink, Nup133CTD in purple, and VHH-SAN8 in black. N and C termini are indicated and helices are numbered. Right panel shows the side view (90° rotation) of the complex.