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. 2020 Nov 27;11:6060. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19885-5

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics.

Protein Nup84-Nup133521–1157 VHH-SAN8 Nup84-Nup133521–1157 VHH-SAN8 TeW derivative Nup84-Nup133521–1157 Nup84-Nup133521–1157 VHH-SAN8/9 Nup13355–481 VHH-SAN4 Nup13355–481 VHH-SAN5
PDB code 6X02 6X03 6X05 6X04
Organism S. cerevisiae, V. pacos
Data collection
    Space group P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P21212 P212121
Cell dimensions
    a, b, c (Å) 72.3, 287.7, 297.4 72.5, 283.6, 295.7 73.7, 298.3, 310.0 72.3, 295.2, 295.6 93.4, 154.7, 41.4 85.7, 204.7, 205.2
    α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90
    Resolution (Å) 103.4–6.4 (6.6–6.4)a 147.8–7.8 (8.0–7.8) 147.8–8.3 (8.6–8.3) 147.8–7.4 (7.6–7.4) 59.6–2.1 (2.2–2.1) 49.7–2.7 (2.8–2.7)
    Rp.i.m. 2.2 (81.3) 4.2 (42.0) 3.9 (39.4) 2.7 (61.7) 5.2 (48.0) 3.5 (68.4)
    I/σ 55.3 (1.0) 13.8 (2.1) 27.0 (1.8) 46.6 (1.1) 19.3 (1.5) 29.1 (1.5)
    CC1/2 1.00 (0.58) 1.00 (0.89) 0.99 (0.79) 0.97 (0.54) 1.00 (0.51) 1.00 (0.57)
    Completeness (%) 99.8 (100.0) 99.9 (100.0) 99.8 (99.5) 99.9 (100.0) 99.9 (99.8) 99.6 (97.3)
    Redundancy 24.1 (25.5) 12.3 (12.9) 6.8 (7.2) 12.0 (12.7) 11.9 (10.3) 8.6 (8.3)
    Resolution (Å) 103.4–6.4 147.8–7.4 59.6–2.1 49.7–2.7
    No. of Reflections 13,453 9,375 35,967 100,268
    Rwork/RFree 31.4/32.4 33.5/35.3 18.3/22.3 23.6/25.9
No. of atoms
    Protein 6655 7106 3890 20,184
    Water 0 0 285 17
B factors (Å2)
    Protein 574.6 668.3 43.0 88.5
    Water 43.0 46.9
r.m.s. deviations
    Bond length (Å) 0.003 0.003 0.007 0.003
    Bond angles (°) 0.84 0.81 0.87 0.57

aValues in parenthesis are for highest-resolution shell (10% of the data). One crystal was used for each dataset.