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. 2020 Nov 14;18:3494–3506. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2020.11.007

Table 1.

Scores used in protein 3D structure comparison and evaluation. Distance-based and contact-based similarity scores are used in experimental evaluation of homology models. Other scores are used for quality check such as physics-based, knowledge-based and combined scores.

Score Description Reference
Distance-based similarity scores:
RMSD Root mean square deviations
wRMSD weighted RMSD
RMS of dihedral angles Root mean square of dihedral angles [42]
GDT Global distance test employing local global alignment (LGA) program [43]
GDT_TS GDT total score: Iterations superposing sets of 3, 5 and 7 consecutive Cα atoms (thresholds 1, 2, 4, and 8 Å) [44]
GDT_TL/GDT_HA GDT high accuracy scores: Finer thresholds than GDT_TS (0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 Å) [14], [44]
TM-score Variations between Cα atoms weighting residues at shorter distances [45]
TM-align Based on TM-score for evaluating global variations [45]
MaxSub Normalized score from large subset of Cα atoms [46]
SphereGrinder Specialized for large predicted models [47]
Contact-based similarity scores:
CAD Contact area difference [48]
CAD-score Contact area difference [49]
Physics-based quality scores:
Molprobity score Global (whole protein) and local (small regions) perspectives [50]
What IF Surface area, solvent accessibility, and hydrophobicity checks [51]
PROCHECK PROgram to CHECK stereochemical quality [52]
Knowledge-based quality scores:
QMEAN Qualitative Model Energy ANalysis [53]
DOPE Discrete Optimized Protein Energy [54]
PROSAII PROtein Structure Analysis II [55]
Combined quality scores:
MetaMQAP Meta-methods for quality assessment of protein models [56]
Machine learning methods Using support vector machine (SVM) to combine scores [57]
Z-score Any arbitrary score function based on sum of a number of scores (e.g. force field energies, GDT, etc.)
May or may not be normalized
Other methods:
Experimental studies Validation can be done by other experimental data, such as molecular dynamics simulations, spectroscopic methods, binding analysis (e.g. calculations of dissociation/inhibition or Kd/Ki constants) [58], [59]