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. 2020 Nov 28;49(6):690–693. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2020.11.023

Table 2.

Content evaluation of Internet-based patient education materials on COVID-19 (n = 141)

Content Proportion of websites (95% CI*)
General information
 Definition of COVID-19 86% (81%-92%)
 Timeframe of illness 55% (47%-64%)
 Exposure self-isolate 14 days 37% (29%-45%)
Signs and symptoms
 Fever 98% (95%-100%)
 Cough 95% (92%-99%)
 Shortness of breath 94% (90%-98%)
 Sore throat 62% (53%-70%)
 Myalgias 58% (49%-66%)
 Anosmia (loss of smell) 54% (46%-63%)
 Ageusia (loss of taste) 53% (44%-61%)
 Headache 46% (37%-54%)
 Chills 44% (35%-53%)
 Diarrhea 35% (27%-44%)
 Fatigue 30% (22%-37%)
 Nausea/vomiting 29% (21%-37%)
 Rhinorrhea 29% (21%-36%)
 Nasal congestion 25% (17%-32%)
 Viral test 79% (72%-86%)
 Where can a test be obtained 58% (49%-66%)
 How to schedule a test 55% (46%-63%)
 Antibody test 41% (32%-49%)
 What does a positive test mean 26% (19%-34%)
 What does a negative test mean 21% (14%-28%)
Disease spread
 Close contact (<6 feet) 71% (64%-79%)
 Respiratory spread 68% (60%-76%)
 Asymptomatic spread 16% (10%-22%)
How to protect yourself
 Hand hygiene 95% (91%-99%)
 Maintain social distancing 89% (83%-94%)
 Disinfect high tough surfaces 79% (72%-86%)
 Avoid touching face 77% (70%-84%)
 Face coverings 75% (68%-83%)
 How to wash hands 68% (60%-76%)
 Define social distancing 66% (58%-74%)
 Description on proper use of masks 38% (29%-46%)
If you are sick
 Contact your health care provider 97% (94%-100%)
 Stay home except to get medical care 72% (64%-80%)
 Track your symptoms 55% (47%-64%)
 Separate yourself from other people 50% (42%-59%)
 Define quarantine 29% (21%-37%)
 Define isolation 20% (13%-26%)
 Emergency warning signs to seek care immediately 62% (53%-70%)
 Emergency: trouble breathing 43% (34%-51%)
 Emergency: persistent chest pain 30% (22%-38%)
 Emergency: inability to stay awake 28% (20%-36%)
 Emergency: bluish lips or face 24% (17%-31%)
Criteria for return after illness
 Three days without fever 15% (9%-21%)
 Ten days since symptoms first appeared and improving 11% (6%-17%)
 Ten days since positive test if asymptomatic 8% (3%-12%)
At-risk populations
 Elderly (>65 years old) 63% (55%-71%)
 Serious heart conditions 52% (43%-60%)
 Chronic lung disease 47% (38%-55%)
 Diabetes 46% (37%-54%)
 Immunocompromised 35% (26%-43%)
 Cancer patients 29% (21%-37%)
 Chronic immune weakening medications 23% (15%-30%)
 Immune deficiencies 22% (15%-29%)
 Pregnancy 16% (9%-22%)
 Transplant patients 16% (10%-22%)
 Obesity 15% (9%-21%)
 Chronic kidney disease 15% (9%-21%)
 Asthma 14% (8%-19%)
 Long term care facility patients 11% (5%-16%)
 Poorly controlled HIV/AIDs 9% (4%-14%)
 Liver disease 8% (4%-13%)
 Dialysis 8% (3%-12%)
Additional resources
 CDC§ 94% (91%-99%)
 WHO⁎⁎ 37% (29%-45%)
 Other 84% (78%-90%)

CI = confidence interval.

HIV = human immunodeficiency virus.

AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


CDC = Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


WHO = World Health Organization.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure