Defective connection of the needle to the syringe (both groups);
Non-compliance with aseptic technique during needle connection (both groups);
Incorrect drug dose or flushing volume after aspiration (in mL) (both groups);
Non-compliance with aseptic technique during drug/flushing aspiration (both groups);
Incorrect syringe labelling or label position (both groups);
Wrong chamber aspiration sequence (double-chamber group);
Aspiration of drug/flushing solution to the wrong chamber (double-chamber group);
Chamber contamination (double-chamber group).
Defective connection of the syringe to the catheter hub (both groups);
Non-compliance with aseptic technique during syringe-to-hub connection (both groups);
Incorrect administration of drug dose or flushing volume (in mL) (both groups);
Non-compliance with aseptic technique during drug/flushing administration (both groups);
Wrong administration sequence (both groups);
Non-compliance with the push–pause technique during catheter flushing (both groups);
Chamber contamination (double-chamber group);
Catheter accidental removal (both groups).