Figure 8.
HIV-1 Gag and co-localizes with USvRNA in the nucleus of JLat 10.6 cells. (A,B) Confocal images showing (i) single z-slices and (ii) cross-sections of three-dimensional reconstructions of two examples of JLat 10.6 cells activated by prostratin. USvRNA labeled via smFISH (red) is co-localized with full-length HIV-1 Gag (anti-p24 cy5 labeled; green) in the nucleus outlined in white dashed line (DAPI, blue). A co-localization channel (white) was generated to show that the Gag and USvRNA signals are present in the same pixels of the image. In each cell, a vRNP consisting of USvRNA and Gag was present within a crosshair to show its location within the nucleus in three planes. (C) Immunoblot of JLat 10.6 whole cell lysates in the absence (-) or presence (+) of prostratin. The full-length Gag polyprotein was present in cells reactivated from latency. GAPDH served as a loading control.