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. 2020 Nov 13;21(22):8574. doi: 10.3390/ijms21228574

Table 2.

The list of transitions of the model.

Transition Biological Meaning References Transition Biological Meaning References
t0 induction cell-mediated immunity [23] t35 IRAK4 recruitment [24]
t1 INF-γ synthesis influencing [23] t36 connection with IRAK1
and its phosphorylation
t2 infection modulation [23] t37 TRAF6 recruitment and
binding to IRAK1
t3 classical macrophages
activation by INF-γ
[3,23] t38 IRAK1P-TRAF6 dissociation [24]
t4 pro IL-18 synthesis [3] t39 TAK1-TAB2 phosphorylation [24]
t5 modulation by TNF [3] t40 TRAF6-TAK1P-TAB2P-TAB1
complex translocation to cytosol
t6 modulation by INF-γ [3,23] t41 TRAF6 ubiquitination [24]
t7 pro IL-18 activation by caspase
1 enzymatic cleavage
[3] t42 IKK complex phosphorylation [24,28,33]
t8 IL-18 and IL-18Rs binding [3] t43 p38 and MAPK
signalling pathway
t9 nitric oxide synthesis [30] t44 RIP1 recruites TAK1 via TAB2 [29]
t10 cardiac contractile dysfunction [30] t45 RIP1 ubiquitination [29]
t11 cardiovascular disease (CVD) [30] t46 TRAF2 ubiquitination [29]
t12 IFR1 synthesis [25] t47 forming TRAF2-TRADD-
RIP1-TRAF5 complex
t13 JAK and STAT pathway activation [23,25] t48 TNFR1 trimerization [27,29]
t14 INF-γ-IFNRs interaction [23,25] t49 usage [27]
t15 reaction catalysed by NADPH oxydase [26,30] t50 TNFR1 stabilization [27]
t16 lipids peroxydation [26,30] t51 SODD expression [27]
t17 neighboring endothelial cells stimulation [3,26] t52 TNFR1 endocytosis [29]
t18 neovascularization inhibition [3] t53 FADD recruitment [29]
t19 FasL expression on inflammatory cells [3] t54 pro caspase 8 recruitment [29]
t20 ICAM1 and VCAM1 up regulation [3] t55 connection through DDs [29]
t21 ICAM1 increasing [30] t56 ubiquitylation and degradation [28,33]
t22 VCAM1 decreasing [30] t57 phosphorylation cascade initiation [28,33]
t23 hemodialysis (HD) [31] t58 IκB dissociation
from the complex
t24 attracting monocytes [26] t59 p50–p65 translocation
to the nucleus
t25 transformation into macrophages [26] t60 MCP1 gene transcription [28]
t26 activation [26] t61 VCAM1 transcription [26,28]
t27 transformation into foamy cells [26,30] t62 ICAM1 transcription [28]
t28 atherosclerotic plaque [26] t63 TNF gene transcription [28,29]
t29 severe inflammation [3,32] t64 iNOS gene transcription [28,30]
t30 LPS and LBP binding [32] t65 proinflammatory response [28,29,30]
t31 LPS presentation to TLR4 and CD14 [32] t66 no apoptosis [28,29]
t32 TLR4 and MyD88 connection [24] t67 caspase 8 autocleavage
and activation
t33 MyD88 recruitment [24] t68 caspase 3 activation [29,31]
t34 active IL-18-IL-18Rs (α and β)
and MyD88 connection
[3] t69 apoptosis enhancement [29,31]