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. 2020 Nov 13;9(11):1574. doi: 10.3390/plants9111574

Table 2.

Concentrations of Na+, K+, and K+: Na+ ratio in Jatropha curcas plants subjected to the salt and drought stresses induced by NaCl and low water supply, respectively. Data refer to mean values (n = 5).

Treatment Na+ K+ K+: Na+ Ratio
Leaf Stem Root Leaf Stem Root Leaf Stem Root
Control 0.12e 0.14e 0.16e 1.62a 0.68a 0.55a 13.06a 4.72a 3.49a
7.5 dS m−1 (well-watered) 0.60d 0.66d 0.79d 0.89c 0.48c 0.41b 1.483c 0.73c 0.52c
15 dS m−1 (well-watered) 1.29b 1.51b 1.89b 0.83c 0.43cd 0.38b 0.643c 0.29c 0.20c
Drought 0.16e 0.18e 0.19e 1.24b 0.57b 0.49a 7.949b 3.28b 2.53b
7.5 dS m−1+Drought 1.05c 1.12c 1.25c 0.87c 0.46c 0.39b 0.829c 0.41c 0.31c
15 dS m−1+Drought 1.84a 2.06a 2.32a 0.75d 0.36d 0.27c 0.408c 0.18c 0.12c

Different lowercase letters within a column depict significant differences among treatments, according to Duncan’s Least Significance Test after ANOVA (p < 0.05). Note: Well-watered means plants irrigated to 70% of soil water holding capacity (WHC), while Drought means plants were irrigated to 40% of soil WHC.