Intrinsic disorder profiles generated for the plasminogen activator Pla from Yersinia pestis (A), Omptin family outer membrane protease PgtE (UniProt ID: A0A0D6FBC6) from Salmonella enterica (B), Outer membrane protease OmpT (UniProt ID: P09169) from E. coli (C), Outer membrane protease OmpP from (UniProt ID: P34210) E. coli (D), and Outer membrane protease SopA/IcsP (UniProt ID: O33641) from Shigella flexneri (E) by DiSpi web-crawler. Outputs of different commonly used disorder predictors, PONDR® VLXT, PONDR® VL3, PONDR® VLS2B, PONDR® FIT, IUPred2 (Short), and IUPred2 (Long) are shown by red, green, blue, black, orange, and pink colors, respectively. Gray shaded area represents errors evaluated for mean disorder profile (MDP) calculated by averaging profiles of individual predictors.