Screening for C. matruchotii carbohydrate recognition by binding to glycolipids on thin-layer chromatograms. (a) Chemical detection by anisaldehyde. (b) Autoradiograms obtained by binding of C. matruchotii strain CCUG46620 and (c) C. matruchotii strain CCUG47160, followed by autoradiography for 12 h. The solvent system used was chloroform/methanol/water (60:35:8, by volume). Lane 1, non-acid glycosphingolipids of human blood group AB erythrocytes, 40 μg; lane 2, non-acid glycosphingolipids of human blood group O erythrocytes, 40 μg; lane 3, non-acid glycosphingolipids of human granulocytes, 40 μg; lane 4, non-acid glycosphingolipids of rabbit intestine, 40 μg; lane 5, non-acid glycosphingolipids of human meconium, 40 μg; lane 6, non-acid glycosphingolipids of rat intestine, 40 μg; lane 7, non-acid glycosphingolipids of sheep intestine, 40 μg.